The St. Louis Star and Times from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)

8 8 8 8. 8. 8. 8. 8.

8. ADVERTIsem*nT ARTHRITIS RHEUMATISM SUFFERERS! once. muscular the aches SAFE and by starting at THIACIN. the convenient easy A way. tablet From the medical "center" of the that is used by thousands.

to you this comes tablet Take United States, St. Louis, amazing, RELIEF advantage of our money back that is being prescribed by a prom- guarantee- RELIEF or your Inent physician. THIACIN The MONEY BACK. Don't wait another original ENTERIC coated tablet day. Right now tear out this mesthat gets down deep to give you sage, show it to your DRUGGIST that SPEEDY, magic-like relief so and get the "genuine" THIACIN necessary for you to resume a TABLETS, that will give you the happy, normal life.

Why not quit fast relief you want. You must be suffering the dull. agonizing aches completely SATISFIED or your and crippling pains of RHEUMA- MONEY BACK. TISM, ARTHRITIS, NEURALGIA, Sold at Gasen's, Katz, NEURITIS. LUMBAGO and similar Park's, Walgreen's and at your neighborhoed drug store.

J. J. J. J. J.

J. J. LOUIS STAR-TIMES 28 Oct. 6, 1948 MARRIAGE LICENSES Edward L. Kletzke 6825 Balson Violet L.

Koeneman .819 E. Prairie Allan W. Hamann Geraldine Burkemper Nikola Novakovich. 3513 N. Broadway Enola F.

Rehm ..306 S. Kingshighway Elmer F. Appel Accomac Elizabeth Niehaus.2619 Pennsylvania Wyatt C. Wallace .4001 Cleveland Mary E. Reynolds ..5191 Kensington Merton Marin, Eads Shirley J.

Alton Robert H. Holt .3100 Pine Florence McKinnon .3100 Pine Raybern V. Muth .1119 N. pl. Betty Lou Smith 1507 Farragut William H.

Emanuel 4880 Calvin Dorothy A. Clara pl. Walter E. Frazer. 2010A Mallinckrodt Virginia Mallinckrodt Owen dan .120 East Popping Ruth 8528 Pennsyivania Betty J.

Robeson H. Wooten ...5570 Cabanne Joseph F. Batek Schiller pl. Doris M. S.

11th Alvin J. Schnur. 3656 Marceline terr. Elizabeth A. Greer Fred T.

Mayer .4154 Osceola Mrs. Ruth H. Mayer .5301 Blow Louis L. Czajkowski. N.

19th Dorothy P. Krawiecki. 23rd George Kallas Wyoming Mary A. St. Louis Eldred M.

Bowles. Jacksonville, Fla. Bernice V. 2532A Howard Melvin J. 1912A Wyoming Julia M.

Columbia Virgil EA C. Rubel. ..510 Whittier Mrs. Effie M. Ackman.

.510 Whittier Vernon L. Thornbaugh 1536 Mississippi Virginia M. Hickory Thomas A. Westminst-1 Rosemary Grattan Robert Jenkins. .....3206 Lawton Amelia ...1221 Walton James 1510A S.

Eighth Mrs. Minneola Aubert Arthur .5540 Robin Martha Robin Norman .3154 Hampton Mary Jane Osage Walter Stemler. Water Evelyn Robertson ...3636 Koeln Edward A. Irwin. ..5124 Maple Mrs.

Esther E. Gebhardt 3833 Federer William R. Jones. ...4137 Aldine Floralene .2319 Cole Walter R. St.

Louis Mrs. Dorothy L. .3854 Folsom John L. S. Broadway Dorothy V.

.2605 Caroline Walter G. Bitter ..6700 Myron Mrs. Ina C. Rhoads. 4005 Kensington' John .2948 Dickson Lola V.

East St. Louis, Ill. Spencer 2941A Olive Marie Williams. ..3230 Lawton Clifton J. 4664 Dewer Nellie M.

Quirk. .8612 Halls Ferry rd. Robert W. Hartford Verna M. Haertling.

3669 Flad Pankie Johnnie L. L. .830 830 S. 14th James Maelois Trotter. .13 13 N.

Mrs. Garrison Robert Richmond 1 Heights Virginia A. Howton. 1907 Rutger Tobe D. Caster 3103 Lawton Anna M.

Mooten ...3103 Lawton Howard R. 1 Huskey 915 Carroll Frances M. Grimm .915 Carroll Robert Meinhardt. .5217 Finkman Shirley Sprehe. .5268 Tyler John E.

Carroll Louis County Joan M. Vorst .2927 Pennsylvania Jessie C. Pullum Glasgow Marie Jackson .2708 Baldwin Jerome L. Pine Lawn Mrs. Betty Levin 1973A Burd Joe V.

Diliberto 5928 Page Josephine Groves. 1604A Tower Grove Sylvester J. Deken. .6262 Marmaduke Marie J. Brauer .6262 Marmaduke William S.

Hart 2321B Arsenal Mrs. Myrtle Arsenal William D. York Ct. Patricia J. Roulston.

4415 N. Taylor Richard A. Hagedorn. .3238 Delor Lydia A. Hettenbach Affton Charles Brown Dickson Mother! THIS LOOK NAME FOR It's your guide to quality guaranteed for children.

aspirin ST. JOSEPH Assures correct dos- ASPIRIN the usual 5- FOR CHILDREN grain adult tablet. It's orange flavored. ADVERTIsem*nT Instantly Relieved CRAMPS MERRELL'S IN PENETRATING LEGS OIL LINIMENT Used for 100 years by AT joints athletes and for muscles. stiff.

sore stiff neck. chest colds. NIGHT Drug ralaia. Stores. 35c and at J.

S. Merrell 216 S. 7th, St. Louis 2, 1 Mo. Promptly relieves coughs of TIGHT ACHING CHEST COLDS RUB ON MUSTEROLE Could Victoria Reign 63 Years with Stomach Ulcer Pains? England's beloved Queen could hardly have reigned so wisely for 63 years and remained so hale and hearty had she suffered stomach nicer pains.

If excess stomach acidity causes you distress after eating, or sour stomach, heartburn, indigestion, gas, even stomach ulcer pains, then try Udga for quick relief. Udga Tablets contain 3 proven fast-acting medicinal ingredients. Like a doctor's prescription, Udga works soothingly and fast. More than 210 million sold since 1928. Get 25c box of Udga and if you, too, don't get amazing relief within one-half hour, you get DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK.

Here's REAL FAST relief 1 for ITCHY SKIN IRRITATIONS! Zemo--a Doctor's invisible yet highly medicated antiseptic--promptly relieves itching of Rashes, Eczema, Psoriasis, Ringworm, Pimples and similar surface skin and itchy scalp irritations. Zemo ALSO aids healing. It's backed by amazing record of continuous success! First trial convinces. ZEMO AMAZING PAZO ACTS TO RELIEVE PAIN OF SIMPLE HEMORRHOIDS INSTANTLY Speed amazing relief from misery of simple piles, with soothing Acts to relieve pain, itching instantly. Lubricates dry, hardened parts.

Helps prevent cracking, reduce swelling. Don't suffer needless torture of simple piles. Get Pazc for comforting relief. Ask your doctor about Suppository form or tubes with perforated pipe Ointment and SubDosilories MARRIAGE LICENSES Gloria Nickerson .......2604 Dickson Melvin V. Cobb Scranton.

Pa. Delores Humphrey.914 N. Kingshigh's Monroe Smith 2900 Thomas Monroe Smith 2900 Thomas Mrs. Lola Davis Enright Arthur R. Oleatha Virginia E.

Meyers .5757 Mardel BIRTHS BOYS and 4. Russell. Sanchez, 5264 3805 Vernon. WestS. J.

minster. E. B. and M. T.

Scanion, 210 Emerling Normandy, F. L. and B. Schaper, 1321 O'Hara, Lemay. M.

M. and D. F. Schwartz. 10044 Valley Riverview Gardens.

H. E. and D. J. Sebastian, 103 College, Flat River.

M. and S. 8310 Richard, University C. and D. M.

Silverbers. 860 N. McKnight University City. M. R.

and and M. A. Svoboda. ValW. and M.

Skaggs. 4248 6015 Prescott. Affton. E. Sturm, Humphrey, cour, V.

L. and V. L. Telthorst. 4234A Beck.

P. J. and M. Thomure, IL. 2606A N.

8420 20th. CoT. J. and R. Tobin lonial Lane, Clayton.

H. E. and M. J. Trout, 4126 McRee.

M. and T. Vincent. 2516A Warren. A.

J. and J. Webber, 6334 Northwood, Clayton. E. B.

and C. Whitehead. 5519 Clemens. A. S.

and a G. Wiener. 731 Limit. University City. H.

E. and E. F. Ziegler, 6435 Wellsmar. Wellston.

GIRLS W. R. and C. D. Atchison, Granite City, Ill.

T. E. and M. Elizabeth Ayres 3811A Lemp. S.

S. and H. M. Bearman, 702 Westgate, University City. P.

E. and V. H. Brown, 3564A 8. and M.

E. Casey, 6207 W. Park. Broadway. G.

J. O. V. and B. J.

Cillo, 5040 Wells. A. H. and J. C.

Ahrens, 5707 McPherson 12. V. H. and M. E.

Ameis, 4415A Laclede 8. R. L. and R. M.

Bell, 1424A Madison 6. F. E. I. K.

and and D. I. C. M. Bosko, Brawley, 1609 Picker 4.

1110 Rutger J. H. and P. A. Byington, 6945 Arthur 9.

044 23. L. and and and L. E. C.

E. Cole. A. Collins, 2028 DuVall, Festus, Nicholson Lemay, Mo. 4.

Mo. E. W. and R. F.

Ennor, 2821 S. Third 18. M. M. Ernst.

5616 Greer 20. G. M. A. G.

and M. L. Gillespie, 6633 Minnesota 11. R. G.

and Z. I. Gillis, 3858 Washington 8. J. and S.

M. Graf, 1324A Warren 6. J. H. and A.

S. Harrington, 5921A Dale 10. J. C. and T.

M. Akin. 1006 Walsh 11. F. R.

A. M. Alcorn (twin), 3937 Cook 13. J. D.

and D. A. Baker, 2516 Bellevue, Maplewood D. H. and S.

A. Ball, 6311 Julian, Wellston 14. L. H. and A.

C. Bergheger, 2222 Gaine 4. E. and G. Boyd, 2346A Montgomery 6.

H. K. and D. M. Close, 3 Eggeline lane, Kirkwood 22.

E. A. and O. B. Cole, 4608A DelW.

mar K. D. M. Cross, Kirkwood 22. 8.

R. N. and J. H. Cunningham, Ladue.

C. J. and L. M. Davis 4851A Page 13.

W. P. and W. Doelling. 3808A Marine 18.

S. and R. Doppieri, 5825A Cote Brilliante 12. N. J.

and J. Dupuis, 2123 Aberdeen, Maplewood 17. E. E. and E.

J. Everhardt, 6653A L. R. and E. J.

Faerber, 4133 HartFyler 9. ford 16. J. E. and R.

M. Flynn (twin), 5050 Winona 9. C. and J. I.

Foust. 3536 Vista 4. W. and N. Geitz.

Affton 23. E. H. and C. R.

Harrington. 6604 San Bonita. Clayton 5. L. and L.

Henderson. 2616A Howard 6. G. W. and M.

L. Jones. 329 Danner. Lemay 23. J.

and E. Joseph. 900 Rutger 4. E. A.

and J. E. Klingler, 3450B Indiana 18. L. and S.

K. Leons, Franklin 6. R. C. and A.

L. Lewis, 1325 Whittier 13. G. F. and L.

R. Long, 1006 Marshall. Webster Groves 19. N. L.

and L. V. Machos, 5676 Ashland 20. L. and L.

R. McNamara. 5232 Maple 13. G. E.

and J. E. Merritt, 6124 Marwirette 16. C. A.

and A. E. Milentz, 3864A Russell 10. T. V.

and A. B. Miller, 9500 Rosemary, Berkeley City. c. C.

and M. S. Minx, 3305 Russell 4. J. J.

and E. I. Murrai (twin), 4137 R. C. and A.

L. Nesbit, 6406 N. Lee 15. Broadway 15. C.

J. and E. M. Osia, 2111 Cherokee 18 W. E.

and I. I. Palmer, 3631 Sullivan R. D. and O.

M. Richards. 2900A Pestalozzi 18. E. J.

and C. M. Sariego. Festus, Mo. I.

E. E. E. Schmitt. 4208 California 11.

A. H. and F. R. Schomaker.

4062 Blaine 10. C. S. and M. L.

Schroeder, 4200A Oakwood. Pine Lawn 20. C. and D. E.

Semple. 5985 Lotus 12. L. M. Smith.

3620 Bowen 16. W. B. and E. V.

Smith. 3302 S. 18th 18. C. R.

and B. L. Spear 206 Kayser, Lemay 23. R. A.

and M. R. Spies, 1800 E. Prairie 7. J.

C. and F. A. Stagner, 1307 Civic Center. Jefferson Barracks 23.

A. and A. A. Vitale, 5765 Delor 9. S.

A. M. Wallace. Potosi. Mo.

D. and H. M. Willmann, 723 Shenandoah 4. J.

J. and E. M. Wilson. Gerald.

Mo. H. E. and I. D.

Winn. Woodard. 4501A Mary 0. and W. N.

4356 Delmar 8. GIRLS H. A. and B. J.

Smith 1452 Lemay. R. J. and J. Sonnenberg, Chouteau.

J. H. and N. Steinie, Murphysboro, Ill. W.

W. E. Stolz. 4242 Neosho. H.

M. and H. E. Throop, 3140 Longfellow. R.

L. P. Vogel. 4118A Virginia. E.

D. and I. Wasson. Gillespie. Ill.

B. and M. A. Williams, 1929 McCausland. T.

R. and O. E. Willis, Pattonville, Mo. R.

E. and I. M. Withers, 825 WestJ. and A.

M. Allen. 6825 St. Charles gate, University City. Wellston 14.

L. and E. Arthur, 3115A S.Jefferson 18. J. and J.

Buenrostro. 1438 Semple 12. F. J. and V.

E. Chilovich. Gray Summit. Mo. G.

W. and M. E. Engel. 3301A Pennsylvania 18.

J. W. and G. Featherston. 5359 Cote Brilliante 12.

J. L. and L. G. Hawkins, 3042 Semple 20.

G. V. and C. B. Meister.

2831 Walton Overland E. A. and H. R. Meyers.

5636 Terry 20. R. D. and J. B.

Mitchell. 2701A Lafayette 4. J. D. and M.

M. Newman. 807 E. Essex. Glendale 22.

sand 18. J. and N. Niedenbach. D.

Price. 3545 S. 4044 Jeffer- Missouri 18. W. J.

and A. C. Rygalski, 2118A N. 11th 6. C.

J. and E. H. Senes, 8710 White Brentwood 17. R.

and A. Smith. 1818 S. 13th J. J.

and M. G. Sneed 9210 Tudor. Overland 14. B.

and J. J. Sontas. 1431 Salisbury 7. F.

V. and A. J. Spezia. 4159 Oleatha 16.

J. and J. Spicuzza. 4718 Wren 20. D.

and E. L. Stefanick. Centerville. Ill.

E. E. and I. G. M.

Walks, 4939 Terry Caro- 15. D. M. and J. Wilhite, 2638 line 4.

F. R. and A. M. Benion.

Alcorn. 3937 Bernard Cook 3. 13. and M. 2732A E.

C. and P. M. Bode, 6207 Eichelberger 9. P.

M. and G. M. Bono, 5154A Lexington 15. D.

M. Bouvea. 1203A Rutger 4. W. and P.

Boyd. 2809 Russell 4. O. A. and M.

V. Buckner. 1342 Elliott 6. L. G.

and V. M. Carraro, 1314 S. Boyle 10. W.

H. and E. M. Catlow. 3727 N.

20th J. and G. Chandler, 3449A Laciede 3. A. G.

and C. M. Coco, 3404 Daisy Lane, Affton 23. M. J.

and M. M. Concannon. 3016 Abner pl. 20.

H. E. and M. Crum. 3205A S.

Seventh 18. E. F. and V. E.

Denness, 4665 Penrose 15. R. G. and W. J.

Finley, 4549 Westminster 8. F. G. and C. Fluchel.

3538A Illinois 18. J. and R. M. Flynn, twin.

5050 Winons 9. W. E. and V. L.

Foust. 2114 Lafavette 4. J. C. and M.

C. Fronckewicz. 2559 W. Hebert 1. V.

E. and A. D. Gruenenfelder, 2512 Salem Brentwood 17. E.

H. and E. Hases, 1112 N. Spring 13. it F.

J. and D. M. Henisman, 4458A Parlin 15. B.

and and V. B. M. S. ho*rig, Hill.

4358 2011 Laclede College 8. WANT AD RATES Line rate Six times consecutively One Three Regular time times per week, per Rooms One time 30e Three times consecutively Six times consecutively 240 Situations One time Three consecutively Six times consecutively 180 DEATH NOTICES Flat rate 300 DEADLINE 9:15 A. M. ON DAY OF INSERTION Commercial or Contract Rates on Request OUT OF TOWN RATES (More than 150 miles from St. Louis) All classifications 40c per agate line.

TO ESTIMATE COST First determine number of lines by 11g- uring 5 average words to the line. Then multiply by the rate Ads set in display type charged for according to agate line measure. IT'S EASY TO PLACE A WANT AD IN THE STAR- TIMES Say Charge It if you live in St. I Louis or its suburbs. Send cash if you live out town.

Write or Telephone CHestnut 6000 CLASSIFICATION DIRECTORY USE THIS GUIDE TO FIND WHAT YOU WANT Classification Numbers Death Notices, ete. 1 to 8 Announcements 10 to 18 Automotive 20 to 28 Business Service 30 to 58 Educational 60 to 61 Emplosment 70 to 79 Financial 80 to 84 Merchandise 90 to 111 Pets, Poultry, Lirestock 120 to 122 Rooms for Rent 130 to 136 Real Estate 140 to 192 Announcements Funeral Directors A ALEXANDER SON'S FUNERAL CHAPEL. 6175 Delmar. CA. 0337.


FUNERAI HOME 3320 Kingshighwas MU 7799. Drehmann-Harral 1905 Union Blvd. MU. 4783 Oscar J. Hoffmeister Funeral Home 4016 Chippewa (at Gravois).


3000. 7233 DELMAR 1870 LUPTON CHAPEL, 5966 MU 2810 GEORGETTE PLEITSCH PROVOST MORTUARIES N. Grand JE. 3950 County. 7840 Natl.

Bridge. JE. 39.51. ROWLAND MORTUARY 4104 Manchester JE 6911. SCHUMACHER FUNERAL HOME 3013 Meramec.

LO. 1158. 4600 Natural Bridge. GO. 0341.


2672. WINGBERMUEHLE FUNERAL HOME 3819 S. Grand. GR. $667.

John L. Ziegenhein Sons FUNERAL DIRECTORS 7027 Gravois FL. 2600 ZIEGENHEIN BROS. 6409 Gravois FLanders 1000 no MORTUARY BIRTHS R. F.

and C. C. Hollingsworth, 2127A S. Seventh 4. Z.

C. and D. M. Impastato, 1023A N. Eighth 1.

W. L. and H. M. Kassing, 5508 Louisiana 11.

F. W. and G. L. Keene.

5328 Delmar 12. R. L. and E. R.

Kircher, 4939 Palm 15. J. H. and B. Kissel.

7644 Lynn, University City 14. C. W. and E. Koch, 6825 Easton, Wellston 14.

E. A. and V. L. N.

Krause, 3213 Palm w. P. and N. M. Lawler, 1004A Bates 11.

M. W. and L. M. 5079 Waterman 8.

J. W. and M. W. Losse Chesterfield.

Mo. A. W. and N. H.

K. O. Loy, Marsh, 5807 1915 Amelia N. Van- 20. deventer $13.

D. A. and P. Marsh, 5621A Dewey 16. A.

B. and V. E. Moorman. 3957A Folsom 10.

J. J. and E. I. Murria, twin, 4137 Lee 15.

R. and D. J. Paddock. 9236 S.

View lane, Affton 23. L. and L. L. Richardson, 4033 Page 13.

H. and G. J. Robinson. 1423 Pleasant R.

H. and E. A. Robnett. Eminence, Missouri.

C. L. and M. V. Russell, 3028 Watson rd.

9. H. J. and M. E.

Schoo, 8520A Lowell 15. R. and G. M. Smith.

3631 Hebert 7. Q. E. Sneed. 2327A Cole 6.

J. and A. B. Stewart, 1100 Mississippi 4. R.

H. and D. G. Sunderman, 2710 Lyndhurst. Overland 21.

R. N. and E. F. Tate, twins, 3688A Laciede 8.

C. D. and D. L. Walker, 3719 Garfield 13.

W. F. and B. A. Waters, 1213 8.

Sixth 4. E. C. and S. M.

Woessner, 4249 Hartford 16. W. L. and M. B.

Woods, East St. Louis. Ill. BURIAL PERMITS Bertha May Buser, 63. Morehouse, Mo.

Peter Gilot, 89, S. 13th 18. Anton J. Fischer 75. 2733A Wyoming 18.

Daniel M. McNamara. 68. 4475 West Pine William Terry, 65, 6322 Hanco*ck 9. Lyla R.

Thompson, 43. University City 5. Anton Lachenicht. 46, 3421 18. Daniel B.

Corbett, 49, 4189 Ashland 15. Elizabeth A. Burridge. 65. 4325 Chippewa 16.

Clara Dieker, 52, 5482 Loughborough 9. Minnie Griemel, 61. Sappington 23. Edwin H. Meng, 19.

Imperial. Mo. George F. Cochran, 80. 6124 Pershing 12.

Fred J. Wilhite. 73. 1359 Burd 12. Nora Hunt.

63. Overland 14. Eleanore Arbeiter. 53. Murphysboro, Illinois.

Viola Keith 46. 3336 Nebraska 18. Billie Manning. 65, 1828 Cole 6. Sherman Deckard.

39. 2644 Russell Albert R. Bishop. 86. 1325 Arsenal 18.

Clifton Wilson. 48. 8639 Broadway 11. Clem Mable England 50. Richardson.

3422 Ruger2147A Spruce 3. Anna King. 85. 4034 West Belle pl. 8.

Ethel Mae Bartley. 46. 224 Marceau 11. Carrie Voll. 89.

4431 S. Broadway 11. Dr. Harold Hansen. 50.

3747 Dunnica 16. Franklin B. Helbig. 72. 8612 Oriole 15.

Edna May Simmons. 48. 5932 Saloma 20. Milosave Vesich. 54.

4370A Manchester 10. Lena Ridlen. 56. 4941 Thekla 15. Charlotte R.

Schopp. 23, Jennings 21. Wm. C. Jenkins.

70. 5631 Maple 12. Louis H. Budke. 63, 5599 Bartmer 12.

D'Arch Paul Cooke. 87. 4396 Lindell 8. JoHn E. Tindall, 35.

Festus. Mo. James Hovis. 17. Fredericktown.

Mo. Henry Hoff. 66. 3925 Botanical 10. Chas.

B. Edwards. 61. Bloomfield, Mo. Kenneth Moreland.

47. 5546 Hebert 20. Lucy M. Martine. 60, 4447 Kennerly 13.

Dora C. Wehrheim. 79. 5232 Alabama 11. Daftna Ernest.

61, 3516 Indiana 18. DIVORCES Lucille from Max Fischer. Adelle from Charles Landon. Helen from Raymond Edwards. Marjorie from Eugene Sanders.

Dorothy from Charles Belcher. Alene from Anthony Connole. Lorraine from Donald Hahn. Ethel from Theodore Granda. Dorothy from William Kniest.

Ruby from Eugene Stiern. Georgia from Gaston Hamilton. Christen from Joseph Nechuta. Death Notices McINTYRE, ALONZO B. At Eclia, suddenly.

Oct. 4. 1948. beloved husband of Marie (nee dear brother of Frank McIntyre. dear grandfather, father in law and brother-in-law.

Fureral from SOUTHERN FU. NERAL HOMF. 6322 S. Grand Thursday, Oct. 2, 1:30 p.m.

Interment St. Peter's Cemetery. MANCADO. JAMES Carr suddenly Saturday, a Oct. 2, 1948.

dear husband of Cecelia Mancado (nee Bono). dear son of Vincenzo and Marie Mancado, dear brother of Angelo and the late Salvatore Mancado. dear son-in-law of Jim and Anne Bono, dear nephew of Mrs. Frank Bennace, dear uncle of Jimmy Mancado Apolio and Mary Lee Mancado. our dear brother-in-law and cousin.

Funeral services MICELI SONS FUNERAL PARLOR. 1150 N. Kingshighway. Thursday. Oct.

7. at 8 a. m. Interment Calvary Cemetery. MAY, WILLIAM 2211A Sidney Tuesday.

Oct. 5, 1948. fortified with the sacraments of Holy Mother Church, beloved husband the late Anna May. dear father of Katherine Kunz, Thomas ward and the late William J. May.

dear brother. brother-in-law. fother-in-law, grandfather. greatgrandfather and uncle. Funeral Friday, Oct.

8. 8:30 a. from MOYDELL'S. Mississippi and Allen, to St. Agnes Church.

Interment SS. Peter and Paul Cemetery. MOI. EVO 0. Of 1944A St.

Louis fortified with the last sacrament of Holy Mother Church on Tuesday. Oct. 5. 1948. beloved husband of Frieda Moi (nee Coddington), dear father of Joseph.

dear brother of Speranza Guidorzi and Orfeo Moi, dear grandfather of Steven and Marcia Ann Moi. dear father-in-law. uncle and brother-in-law. Funeral from CLARK FUNERAL HOME. 1125 Hodiamont.

Saturday. Oct. 9. 8:15 a. m.

to St. Charles Barromeo Church thence to Calvary Cemetery. RANDAZZO. ROSA (nee La Fata)1467A Goodfellow. Oct.

5. 1948. wife of James Randazzo. mother of Mrs. George Johnston.

Mrs. Clay Reed. Mrs. Carl Grafe, Mrs. Charles Allen.

John. Anthony. James Jr. and the late Salvatore Randazzo and our sister. mother-in-law.

grandmother and aunt. Funeral from BENSIEK-NIEHAUS MORTUARY. 1431 Union. Saturday. Oct.

9. 7:45 a. to Our Lady of Christian Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery. SIEGELMAN (SIEGEL) SAM Oct.

6. 1948, beloved husband of Fannie Siegelman, dear father of Mrs. Lillian Mendelson. Mrs Sarah Polleck. Mrs.

Alice Karlin and Esther Siegelman. dear brother. of Mrs. Rose Rothman. Mrs.

Sarah Koslov. Mrs. Beckie Silverberg, Simon Siegel. Samuel Siegelman and Sol Sigel, dear grandfather. father-in-law and uncle.

Funeral from BERGER MEMORIAL, McPherson at Walton, Thursday, 2 p.m. SMITH. RALPH WALDO-Of 615 N. Euclid Oct. 5.

1948. dear son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry Smith, dear brother of John E. Smith and the late Nellie S.

Batman and Harry L. Smith. Mr. Smith will lie in state ALBERT H. HOPPE FUNERAL HOME.

4911 Washington until Wednesdas. Oct. 6. 10 p. m.

Funeral and interment Albion, Ill. TSCHUDIN. MARIA (SCHUDIN) (nee Eiche)-Of 719 Thrush entered into rest Monday, Oct. 1948. 5:40 a.

dear wife of the late Gustave Tschudin. dear mother of Mrs. Emma Mitkos and Mrs. Elsie Brown. dear sister.

sister-in-law motherin-law and aunt. Funeral from DIEDRICH FUNERAL HOME. 8319 Halls Ferry rd Thursdas, Oct. 7, 2 p. m.

Interment Friedens Cemetery. VASEL. CLARA 9939 Coventry lane, Affton. Monday. Oct.

4. 1948. beloved wife of the late Edward W. Vasel. dear mother of Mrs.

Florence Calvin. Mrs. Ida Beier. Edward William. Walter.

Arthur and Henry Vasel. dear mother-in-law. aunt. grandmother and great-grandmother. Services at the C.

HOFFMEISTER CHAPEL. 7814 S. Broadway, Friday, Oct. 8. at 2 p.

m. Interment St. LuCAS Cemetery. VOLKMANN. LOUISE (nee Osterwisch) 4028 N.

23rd Monday, Oct 4, 1943. at 5 a beloved wife of Louis Volkmann. dear mother of Esther. Elinor Volkmann and Mrs. Irene Thomas, mother-in-law.

sister. sister-in-law and aunt. Funeral from LEIDNER CHAPEL. 2223 St. Louis Thursday, Oct.

at 1:30 p. m. Interment Zion Cemetery. VORHES. REZIN- Of 1761 Missouri Tuesday.

Oct. 5. 1948. dear friend of Henry and Louise Durst. Funeral Thursday, 10 from McLAUGHLIN'S.

2301 Lafayette, to Missouri Crematory. voss. WALTER Vermont. Tuesday, Oct. 8.

1948. dear brother of Stella Minnigerode, dear brotherin-law. uncle and cousin. Service at C. HOFFMEISTER CHAPEL.

7814 S. Broadway. Time later. Interment Park Lawn Cemetery. WEINHARDT, 1ST.

LT. HENRY 331st Infantry Regiment, killed in France July 10. 1944. beloved father of Judy Ann Weinhardt. dear son of Peter J.

and Mary Ann Weinhardt. dear brother of Edward Weinhardt and Mrs. Helen Keeton. dear brother-in-law. uncle.

nephew and cousin. First Lt. Weinhardt at KRIEGSHAUSER MORTUARY. 4228 S. highway after 1 p.

m. Wednes7. 8:30 a. to St. Church.

day. Oct. 6. Funeral Thursday, Oct. Interment Resurrection Cemetery.

Catholic Gold Star Mothers will meet Wednesday, 8:30 m. Guard of honor service sponsored by Machinist Memorial Post No. 441. Wednesday, WENT OSTROWSKI. LENA (nee Demska)-6756 West Park.

Tuesday. Oct. 5. 1948. beloved wife of the late John Ostrowski and the late John Went.

dear mother of Mrs. Lena Flaskamper. Mrs. Annie Jurgens, Mrs. Julia Schrader.

Mrs. Stella Hays. Mrs. Victoria Landers. Agnes and John Went and Mrs.

Frances Fehlber. the late Tony and Frances Went. dear grandmother, great grandmother, aunt and mother-in-law. Funeral from ARTHUR J. DONNELLY PARLORS.

3840 Lindell Friday, Oct. 8. 8:30 a. to St. Stanislaus Kostka Church.

1407 N. 20th st. Interment Calvary. WINTERER. DR.

ALOIS A. 6246 tified with the sacraments of Holy Itaska Monday. A Oct. 1948. forMother Church.

beloved husband of Ellen E. Winterer (nee Rauth). dear father of Dr. Roland A. Winterer.

Sister M. Mercedes of Sisters of Most Precious Blood. Mrs. Marie Kippenberger. Dr George A.

Winterer and Mrs. Elaine Leahs. dear brother. brother-in-law. father-in-law.

grandfather and uncle. Funeral from the KRIEGSHAUSER MORTUARY. 4228 S. Kingshighway, Thursday. Oct.

7. 9:30 a. to St. Gabriel's Church. Tamm and Murdoch aves.

Interment Resurrection Cemeters. Member of Fourth Degree General Assembly of K. of C. WOLF, NAT On Oct. 5.

1948. beloved husband of Rose Wolf. dear father of Steven Wolf. brother of Mrs. Esther Levy.

Mrs. Kate Kanefield. Mrs. Sarah Goldberz of Kaufman. Mrs.

Fannie Meyers, William Ralph and Sylvan Wolf. our dear uncle. brother-in-law and son-in-law. Funeral from BERGER MEMORIAL. McPherson at Walton.


FLORIST. INC. 4820 NATURAL BRIDGE CO 5033 1518 ST LOUIS CE 0885 PARKING SPACE NETTIE'S FLORAL SHOP Puneral sprays. $3 11D Baskets $5 up. 3801 8 GRAND GRand 9600.

Cemeteries--Monuments MEMORIAL PARK perpetual: war veterans free EV. 2111 MOUNT HOPE MAUSOLEUM The only mausoleum in South St. Louis: choice crypts still available. MOUNT HOPE CEMETERY 1215 Lemay Ferry rd. HU.

8600 SUNSET BURIAL PARK -Beautiful: non-sectarian, perpetual care: terms. 10180 Gravois rd VIctor 3-2661 Lost and Found 10 -Lost: black: reward: co no questions asked CH 4603. 3867. J. Prese.

BOSTON BULL Lost: black and white spotted male: answer to name reward. JE. 1822. co*ckER SPANIEL -Lost: child's pet; reward PL 3134. DEAP GIRL'S GRADUATION RING -Lost: initials J.

8. st Loes's Theater; reward. East 8933. MEXICAN BILLFOLD Lost: containing about $700 in checks. $140 cash.

Keep money, return billfold. checks and valuable papers. CH. 8549. WALLET -Lost: ladies: red: Famous basem*nt Reward.

EV. 4868. WATCH -Lost: lady's Bulova: Friday night: Carondelet or Chippewa bus: reward. LO 6285. WEDDING BAND Lost: Monday.

inch diamond platinum filigree: vicinity 10th and Olive: reward. DE. 2908. WRIST WATCH- -Lost: lady's: vicinit of Green Valley Ranch: reward. FL.

3160. WRIST WATCH -Lady's sellow gold. black band. on Hodiamont car between Wellston and Grand: reward. DE.

2403. Additional Lost and Found, See Page 1 Personals 11 SMALL BAND AVAILABLE -Call after 5 p. m. JE. 9334.

Special Notices 12 ENROLL NOW We teach private voice, piano and microphone: make own recordings. Janet Reiman Bates Studio, EV. 0259. Automotive Automobiles 20 IT'S A FACT PRICES ARE LOWER DON'T DELAY -CALL TODAY ST. 8878 Dodge like dio.

Chevrolet heater: club gorgeous. coupe: TA- 1995 Mercury club 1695 '46 Ford 2-door. 1395 Pontiac 2-door. 1093 Chevrolet 4-dr. 1195 club 1175 Chevrolet 2-door.

995 Chevrolet 2-door. 895 Buick 4-door super: radio. heater: like 1195 '39 Pontiac 695 '32 Plymouth coupe. 245 BANK FINANCING WALTER PFAFF 7518 MANCHESTER BUICK sedanette $1045 '46 BUICK Roadmaster Sed. $2095 '48 PACKARD "Super" Conv.

$2995 PLYMOUTH 2-door Special De Luxe $945 '41 CADILLAC (62) Sedan $1545 '46 HUDSON Club Coupe $1675 '46 FORD Sedan $1595 '47 HUDSON 8 Sedan $1895 '46 FORD Convertible $1745 '47 LINCOLN Sedan $2195 '47 MERCURY Sedan $1895 '47 DE SOTO $2095 '46 FORD Station Wagon $1795 '35 PACKARD Sedan $195 MANY OTHERS LINDBURG'S 3536-3556 Lindell at Grand JE. 3788-JE. 3080 OPEN EVES. 9 SAT. CRASH THINK OF IT! A 1947 AUTOMOBILE FOR ONLY $645: FULL PRICE: A-1 CONDITION.


ITS REALLY A HOT SALE Joseph Nesser Motors 3700 INCORPORATED CHIPPEWA Lost and Found Automobiles 20 Automobiles MEXICAN BILLFOLD Lost: containing about $700 in checks. $140 Flag Symbol denotes the terment at home of veteran from foreign burial cround. Death Notices BABE. ETHEL: (nee Heilweck) 4133 Turner, Sunday. Oct.

3, 1948, at 11 darling wife of Roy Babe, dear daughter of May Heilweck. dear sister of Mrs. Fred Kirby and Mrs. Fred Harrison. our dear sister-in-law, niece, aunt and cousin.

Funeral from SULLIVAN'S. Euclid 8 St. at 8:30 Louis 8, on to Holy Thursday, Rosary Oct. Church. Interment Calvary Cemetery.

BADER. LOUIS W. 7356 Balson, Monday, Oct. 4. 1948, 8:45 a.

beloved husband of the late Julia Bader (nee Coine). dear father of. Mrs. Clarence Zak. dear brother of Mrs.

Nell Gaines of Des Moines. Iowa. and Mrs. Clara M. Patton of Girardeau.

dear grandfather. father-in-law and uncle. Funeral from JOS. J. QUINN PARLORS.

1389 Union Thursday, Oct. 7. 10 a. Interment Calvary. Deceased member of Woodmen of the World.

Mo. Camp 249. BECKER. CECELIA (nee Kelly) -Of 3618 S. Jefferson fortified with the sacraments of Holy Mother Church.

beloved wife of the late Col. Dan Becker. dear mother of Mrs. Jane Robert. Dan L.

Becker Roland Becker. Mrs. Rosemary Priesmeyer and Virginia Becker. dear sister-in-law. mother-in-law, grandmother and aunt.

Funeral from ROBERT'S FUNERAL HOME. 1905 S. Grand Friday. Oct. 8.

at 9:30 8. to St. Thomas of Aquin Church. Interment SS. Peter and Paul Cemetery.

BEQUETTE, FELIX Theodosia Tuesday. Oct. 5. 1948. husband of the late Emily Bequette (nee Byington).

dear father of Mrs. Lucille Hawkins. Mrs. Bernice Barrett. Mrs.

Essie Lee West. Paul F. and Earl C. (Bill) Bequette. dear father-in-law.

grandfather. brother. brother-in-law and uncle. Mr. Bequette will be at the CALVIN F.

FEUTZ FUNERAL HOME. 4828 Natural Bridge until 10 p. Thursday. Oct. 7.

then taken to Bonne Terre. Mo. BOECKSTIGEL. EDWARD W. -4560 Plover Sunday.

Oct. 3, 1948. 2:30 p. beloved nusband of MinBoeckstigel (nee Sostmann), dear brother, brother-in-law and uncle. from CALVIN F.

FEUTZ FUNERAL HOME. 4828 Natural Bridge. Thursday, Oct. 1:45 p. m.

Interment Memorial Park Cemetery. BREDECK. DR. JOSEPH F. 5715 Chamberlain Monday, Oct.

4, 1948. beloved husband of the late Kathleen Bredeck (nee Downest, dear father of Joseph F. Henry E. and Martin J. Bredeck.

Funeral from ARTHUR J. DONNELLY PARLORS. 3840 Lindell Friday, Oct. 8. 9:30 a.

to St. Rose's Church, Goodfellow and Maple. Interment Calvary. CONWAY. JOHN 2200 Alberta fortified with the sacraments of Holy Mother Church, Monday, Oct.

4. 1948. beloved husband of Rose Conway (nee Weidig), dear father of Laurine Block and Johanna dear grandfather of Jack Skay. dear father-in-law. brother-in-law.

uncle and great-uncle. Funeral from WEICK BROS. FUNERAL HOME. 2201 S. Grand, Friday.

Oct. 8. 8:30 a. to St. Thomas of Aquin Church.

Interment SS. Peter and Paul Cemetery. Mr. Conway was a member of Order of Railway Conductors, of America, Div. No.

3. Pacific Veterans Association, DELL. BARBARA JEAN Suddenly. Oct. 4.

1948, darling daughter of Irene and Gerald Dell, dear sister of Jerry Dean Dell. dear granddaughter. Funeral from ALBERT H. HOPPE FUNERAL HOME. 4911 Washington Thursday, Oct.

2 p. m. Interment Laurel Hill Gardens. DENNY, CHARLES WILLIAM Age 82. of Kansas City.

beloved husband of the late Salina Denny. Remains at CULLEN KELLY FUNERAL HOME. 4386 Lindell at. Newstead. after 9 a.m.

Wednesday, Oct. 6. Graveside services same day at 1 p.m. at St. Peter's Cemetery.

DU CARMONT. AUGUSTA (nee Meyer) Of 2644 Sutton Maplewood, on Tuesday, Oct. 5. 1948, beloved wife of Charles J. Du Carmont, dear mother of Margaret Valerius and Olive Du Carmont, our dear sister.

mother-inlaw. sister-in-law. grandmother and aunt. Funeral Thursday, Oct. 7, at 8:30 a.

from JAY B. SMITH FUNERAL HOME. 7456 Manchester to Immaculate Conception Church. Marshall and Moeller aves. Interment Resurrection Cemetery.

Deceased was a member of Altar Society of Immaculate Conception Church. DI BARTOLO, CAMELLO 5440 Botanical entered into rest Monday. Oct. 1948, beloved husband of Leda DiBartolo (nee Trombetta. dear father of Mrs.

Mary Riggio. Mrs. Catherine Tamborrino. Sam. Paul and John DiBartolo.

dear brother, grandfather, father-in-law, uncle and cousin. Funeral from CALCATERRA FUNERAL HOME, 5140 Daggett Thursday, Oct. 7. at 8:30 a. to St.

Ambrose Church. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. Deceased was a member of Vencenzo Bellini Society. FISCHER, ANTON J. Formerly of 3137 Iowa Oct.

3. 1948. fortified with the sacraments of Holy Mother Church, beloved husband of the late Mary Fischer (nee Schmid). dear father of Elsie Kramper. Joseph Pauline Weber.

Helen Orf. Anton J. Dorothy Doyen, Aloysius Marie Berjer. Vincent A. and Leo A.

Fischer, dear father-inlaw, grandfather, brother. brother-in-law. uncle and cousin. in his 76th year. Funeral from GEBKEN CHAPEL.

2630 Gravois. Thursday. Oct. 7. 8:30 a.

to St. Francis de Sales Church. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. Member of Holy Name and St. Vincent de Paul Societies, St.

Francis de Sales Benovolent and St. Vincent Orphan Societies, and C. K. of A. Branch 156.

GOLD. HYMAN -Oct. 5. 1948, beloved husband of Cecilia (Cissie) Gold, dear father of Bernice Weinberg and Victor Gold. dear grandfather, brother, brother-in-law and uncle.

Funeral from the RINDSKOPF CHAPEL. 5212 Delmar. Notice of time later. HEARST, VIRGIL -Of Imperial, Oct. 6.

1948. husband of Helen White Hearst, father of Jane. brother of Robert, Raymond, Frank, Stella Sales and Valle Mahn. Funeral services 2:30 p. m.

Friday, Oct. 8. at FUNERAL HOME. Imperial. Mo.

Interment Oak Hill Cemetery. Kirkwood. Mo. HEIDENREICH. ANNA (nee Opel)- 4874 Lee Monday, Oct.

4, 1948, beloved wife of the late Henry Heidenreich, dear mother of Mrs. Arbert H. Klein. Mrs. A.

R. Rooch, Jchn and Harry W. Heidenreich, Mrs. Fred Doll and Darwin J. Herdenreich.

our dear grandmother, great-grandmother, mother in law and aunt Services Thursday, Oct. 1:30 p. from KRAEGER-VOSS FUNERAL HOME, 3402 N. KingshighRay, to Friedens Cemetery. Mrs.

Heidenreich was a member of Friedens Evangelical and Reformed Woman's Guild. HEIMOS. CLARA (nee Fuchs) 01 Oakville, fortified with the sacraments of Holy, Mother Church, Oct. 5, 1948. beloved wife of Emil Heimos.

dear mother of Norman, Emil Virginia and Lorraine, dear daughter of William Fuchs and the late Julia, sister, sister-in-law, aunt and cousin. Funeral from TED FENDLER FUNERAL HOME. 7420 Michigan at Koeln. Fridas. Oct.

8. at 9 a. to St. Francis Assisi Church. Oakville.

Interment Mattese. Mo. IMRISIK. CPL. EDWARD Killed in the service of his country at Cassino.

Italy, Dec. 11, 1943. beloved son of Joseph and Rose Imrisik Istock. dear brother of Virgil Imrisik. our dear nephew and cousin.

Funeral Friday. Oct. 8. 8:30 a. from W.

A. STOCK MORTUARY. Grand and Florissant to Holy Name Church. Interment Resurrection Cemetery. Guard of Honor Service Thursday, 8 p.

sponsored by Richard Bottzer Jr. Memorial Post 582, American LeCatholic Gold Star Mothers will assemble at 8:30 p. m. KURTZ, LORA (Nickels) -1906 Ohio. Oct.

1948. beloved mother 01 Jerry E. Alexander. daughter of Mrs. Stella Seymore, sister of Vera Bess.

Lema Seymore, Robert. Doyle and Lloyd Householder. Funeral 1 p. from McLAUGHLIN'S. 2301 Lafayette.

Interment Mt. Hope Cemetery. LAZIER. GEORGE SR. Of 7239 Sarah Massewood.

Tuesday. Oct. 5. 1948. beloved husband of the late Ruth B.

Lazier (nee dear father of George Lazier father-in-law of Lois Lazier, dear brother of Laura Weaver. Lillian Laubert. Roy and Bud Lazier. our dear brother-in-law, uncle and cousin. Funeral Friday, Oct.

8. at 1:30 from the B. SMITH FUNERAL HOME 7456 Manchester ave. Interment Lakewood Park Cemeters. CONVERTIBLES 1948 CROSLEY CONVERTIBLE Demonstrator: new -car guarantee: this car is practically new.PAGE MOTORS 6250 PAGE DE.

6250 DE SOTO-48 convertible. 3 weeks old. 700 miles. Leaver. 4017 West Florissant.

FORD '48 CONVERTIBLE Radio. heater: white-wall tires: this car looks and runs like a new one. Hurry! It won't CHRIS CHRISTEN PONTIAC 6131 NATURAL BRIDGE EV. 3006 GRAHAM-'35 Convertible: good condition: beauty; no dealers. CO.

0370 '47 PONTIAC CONVERTIBLE Very low mileage: radio. heater, white-wall tires: really beautiful. CHRIS CHRISTEN PONTIAC 61:1 NATURAL BRIDGE EV. 5000 COUPES BUY NOW PORD-1946 CLUB COUPE: RADIO AND HEATER: MUST BE TO APPRECIATE THIS REAL VALUE. E-Z TERMS FEDERAL FINANCE 3901 Washington at Vandeventer FORD '41 COUPE -Clean: new tires; $995.

3330 S. Kingshighway. FORD, 1946. CLUB COUPE: really a nice one: radio. heater.

Community Motors 3450 Union Open Eves. HUDSON -'38 2-door; very clean; runs perfect: $395. AUTO SALES 4377 Chippewa LA. 8907 '40 Packard 110 Club Coupe Complete motor overhaul: fully equipped: good tires and paint: $995. Ray McCarthy Packard FL.

5822 GRAVOIS Open Nights 'Til 9: Saturdays 'Til 6 STUDEBAKER 1940 coupe: rebuilt motor: $100 down. 2213 S. Grand. SEDANS BUICK 1942 Roadmaster sedan, $1.195. 2213 S.

Grand. BUICK-'34 sedan; new tires: runs good: $195 takes it. 2819 GRAVOIS LA. 3354 1940 4-DOOR SEDAN Complete overhaul: radio and heater: motor perfect: $845. CHOUTEAD.

'46 Cadillac 60 Spec FLEETWOOD This is Cadillac's finest model and is almost like new. ONLY $3295 Lindburg Cadillac Co. 4100 Laclede NE. 1 6400 Eves, till 9 p. Sat.

till p. m. CHEVROLET-1941 taxicab: radio and heater: $295. 2213 S. Grand.

1934 CHEVROLET 4-DOOR SEDANGood transportation: $95. 4047 CHOUTEAU. CHEVROLET '41 Suburban CarryallRuns good: new paint. 1330 Hampton. HI.

7825-FO. 0304. 1938 CHEVROLET Perfect shape: heater and spotlight: $765 4047 CHOUTEAU. CHRYSLER '47 SEDAN- -Like new: $2.375. 3330 S.

Kingshighway. DE SOTO- New 1948 custom 4-door sedan: trade. 4500 Gravois. DE SOTO 1946 7-passenger green sedan: perfect condition. McDermott Service Station.

Cates and Hamilton. FORD 1940: excellent condition. Kirkwood 4153M: call after 5 p.m. FORD 41 SEDAN In excellent condition: $895. CHRIS CHRISTEN PONTIAC 61:1 NATURAL BRIDGE EV.

3000 LA SALLE-1933 4-door sedan: runs exceptionally nice: a real buy; betonly $195. Better Buys Here E. B. JONES MOTOR CO. 5220 Natural Bridze Open Eves.

'47 Lincoln 4-Dr. Sedan Exceptionally clean throughout. $1995 A. B. C.

Motors, Inc. (AN ANDY RURGER CO.) YOUR NEWEST LINCOLNMERCURY DEALER 3620 Gravois at Grand SI. 3445 NASH '47 SEDAN Very nice car; $1.595. 3330 S. Kingshighway.

OLDSMOBILE model 66 sedan; radio and heater: buy: $1695. 2819 GRAVOIS LA. 3354 OLDSMOBILE '40 Sedan: radio: heater: beautiful 2- tone: 45.000 miles. $1.100. Call MU.

6526. 2 to 9 p. m. '46 Olds "98" Sedan Hydra-Matic; radio, heater: very low mileage; like new: only $1945. JOHN W.

VINCEL 43:20 S. Kingshighway FL. 9334 '46 OLDS '98" SEDAN Hydra-Matic drive: radio. heater; really like throughout. CHRIS CHRISTEN PONTIAC 6121 NATURAL BRIDGE EV.

3000 PACKARD-1947 sedan Six. $1.495. 2213 S. Grand. PACKARD-1938 sedan: sacrifice, $225.

2213 S. Grand. PACKARD CLIPPER- nice, clean car: new paint. 1330 Hampton. HI.

7825. FO. 0304. PONTIAC'48 sedan: radio. heater, seat covers: 785 miles: $2750.

WHITEWAY MOTORS 3330 S. Kingshighway HU. 9556 47 Pontiac Sedan Torpedo: radio, heater; like new throughout: only $2175. JOHN W. VINCEL 4320 S.

Kingshighway FL. 9574 Wanted- -Automobiles 21 BETTER DEAL LINDBURG'S USED CARS 3536-56 Lindell JE. 3788-3080 ALL AUTOS BOUGHT We need them. KLINK. 2213 Grand.

CARS WANTED FOR CASH HARDAWAY'S. 4133 NAT'L BRIDGE CARS AND TRUCKS If you are planning on selling your car, you will lose money if you fail to bring it to us. We have outof-town buyers on our floor daily and they are paying tremendous prices for all makes and models: also any make of late-model up trucks. See one of these buyers before selling. HULL- DOBBS World's Largest Ford Dealer 3806 S.



3:00 CHIPPEWA SIDNEY 5333 FIRST OR LAST SEE ME! Pay spot cash for good used cars Any make of model. Ask for MR. RYLAND M. B. THOMAS AUTO SALES 300 Lemay Perry rd.

Or HU. 5410 Raymer Motors SW.2341 3548 8. KINGSHIGHWAY Buys, Sells, Trades TO BUY OR SELL SEE JOHN CARS Wanted -Automobiles 21 TOP DOLLAR W.FOR CLEAN CARS NEED CARS 3157 Gravois SI. 1166 5701 Sell NATURAL. While BRIDGE.

OPEN EVES. Prices Are High RUBY MOTORS WE NEED CARS BADLY Trucks-Tractors-Trailers 22 '46 CHEVROLET Sedan delivery truck: make offer. WEbster 2639W. DIVCO. 1933 1-ton packase delivers truck: reasonable.

FO. 6623. FORD '46 PANEL -Like new: only $1.095. 3330 S. Kingshichwas.

1948 FORD -TON PANEL TRUCK. FORD. 1 1946 PANEL: low mileage: 3835 IVORY. LO. 2600.

priced richt. Community Motors 3450 Union. Open Eves, FORD-1941 1-ton pickup: an ceptionally nice truck: the best buy in town: better hurry: only $795. Better Buys Here E. B.

JONES MOTOR CO. 5220 Natural Bridge Open Eves, 1948 FORD TRUCKS BRAND-NEW NO TRADE NECESSARY From the pickup to the Giant Bonus Build 3-ton units. JOE SIMPKINS, INC. Ford Center, of the Nation 6421 Easton co. 6698 Open 8 a.

m. to 9 p. in. We ate specialists in business transportation TRACTOR- -Case: very good condidition Call SI. 1927 or RO.

9677. House Trailers 23 For Lasting Satisfaction BUY A ZIMMER Top Quality at Lowest Cost Showing Also: NATIONAL ROGER GRASK TRAILER SALES 6671 Olive St. Rd. Ph. PArkview 0740 Open Evenings and Sundays Tires, Parts, Accessories 24 USED TIRES ALL SIZES Guaranteed tory built: now available: 1939-40- 41-42.

Kuhs Buick. 2637 N. Grand, CHAMBERS MOTOR CO. Stop at our convenient location for your Dodge, Plymouth and Dodge Job Rated Truck service. CHAMBERS CO.

3863 S. GRAND PR. 7400 Goodyear Service Store 5837 Delmar CA. (400 Auto Repair Service 25 BUICK ENGINES rand-new: TERMS OR TRADE ITASKA AUTO SALES 4500 GRAVOIS Come In And See The GOOFY TRADERS FORD Club Coupe; htr. 995 '41 PLYMOUTH Coach 895 BUICK Sedanette.

1.195 CHEV. Delivery: really clean. 1.025 CHEVROLET Coach 895 '40 HUDSON Coach: 795 '39 MERCURY Sedan: htr. 925 '39 CADILLAC Sedan: like new 995 '38 FORD Sedan 335 Many Others To Choose From. Trade -Terms.

2926 Gravois PR. 6054 "PACKARD" A SAFE PLACE TO BUY A USED CAR RECONDITIONED GUARANTEED Few of the Fine Cars PACKARDS 1943 De Luxe "8" 4-door sedan. 1948 Specia: convertible coupe. 1237 8-cylinder 5-passenger door club sedan: $435. OTHER MAKES 1947 Plymouth 4-door sedan: $1995.

1946 Mercury 4-door sedan: $1695. 1942 Buick Special 4-door $1195. Most cf the above cars have radios. heaters, seat covers and other accessories. TRADE TERMS BERRY MOTOR CAR CO.

2201 LOCUST CE. 2500 SELLING OUT No Reasonable Offer Refused 1934 FORD COUPE 95 1936 PLYMOUTH COACH 1934 CHEVROLET SEDAN $175 1938 FORD 185) SEDAN $195 1936 FORD COACH 1935 FORD COACH 1937 PONTIAC COACH 1934 PLYMOUTH COUPE $195 1929 ESSEX COACH $125 SMALL DOWN PAYMENT FINANCE BALANCE 2529 N. VANDEVENTER AT COTTAGE '41 Chevrolet 2-Door New tires: mechanically perfect; heater: a clean car: $1050. Ray McCarthy Packard FL. 0260 5822 GRAVOIS Open Nights 'Til 9: Saturdays 'Til 6 Buy Any Late Model Car With Small Down Payment Kugman Auto Sales 4301 WASHINGTON CLIFF CARVER MOTORS The Place to Buy or Sell Your Car 3700 S.

Kingshighway LO. 0414 '48 Kaiser '48 Frazier demonstrators. LADUE MOTORS 8655 Maryland. DE. 6070.



E-Z TERMS FEDERAL FINANCE 3901 Washington at Vandeventer OLDS '39 "6" COACH Really transportation; CHRIS CHRISTEN PONTIAC 6171 NATURAL BRIDGE 5000 1939 PLYMOUTH TUDOR. 7835 IVORY. LO. 2600 PLYMOUTH-1941 2-door; 2000 dition. Rosedel Garage.

6131 Delmar. DE. 0410. '40 Studebaker Champ. 2-dr.

New paint: 300d tires; mechanically perfect: equipped: $715. Ray McCarthy Packard HUDSON Sedan $895 CHEVROLET Coach 1.025 OLDS coach: radio. 1.025 CHEVROLET Club Coupe. 1.095 FL 0260 5822 GRAVOIS Open Nights 'Til Saturdays Bicycles--Motorcycles 27 MOTORCYCLE asking $150. After 5 p.

m. AX. 0154. SCOOTER Cushman. Model 59.

3-wheel package car: windshield. ignition switch. big compartment: used. but in excellent condition Mr Petersen CH. 7600.

between m. and 5 p. Business Services Dry Cleaning--Laundering 31 LYDIA HAND LAUNDRY- -Pick up and deliver: quick service. FR. 2452.

Dressmaking -Altering 32 DRESSMAKING AND ALTERATION of all kinds. G. Wright. 5135 Delmar. DE.

1781 Builders--Carpenters 37 BUILDING. repair rooms. porches, carage doors. windows and dow screens. roofing and siding.

Ferguson Contracting 6567 eph. DE. 8427. Electricians 38 AAA ELECTRIC CO. Wiring.

710 Hamilton. DE. 4669 RESIDENTIAL, Commercial Wiring, Repairs-Licensed, bonded. HU. 8000 STERLING ELECTRIC CO.

Call us for moving the meter and fuse from your kitchen or hall before you decorate. Don't risk gerous wiring. Convenient terms aTranged. Call Us for Estimates 4748 West Florissant. GO.

3300. Paperhanging- Cleaning 40 PAPERING. PAINTING, steam cleaning: 3510A 1 18 years' experience. Pfeiter. Pestalozzi.

GR. 2368. Painting 41 A-1 PAINTING. PAPERING -Reasonable: cash, terms. Bruno.

SI. 5290. IP YOU WANT GOOD WORK and done now. call Ray, Sidney 1106. NORTHSIDE and PAINTING exterior: brush or spray.

PO. 5525. Plumbing- -Heating 42 FURNACE VACUUM repair any make Air -Vac System. LA. 5614.



0812 Estimates, NATURAL Without BRIDGE Obligation NEW ROOFS Chase Chimneys Roofing. and CO leaks 6106. repaired. REPAIRS OR NEW ROOFS Guaranteed work by established reliable firm: fuily insured: all types siding. AETNA ROOFING SIDING CO.

4185 Manchester JE. 6964 ROOFS New or repaired: siding. any kind: general carpentry: terms: guaranteed. 2927 Park. GR.

6124. (If no answer, call CH. 2940. Tuckpointing-Waterpr'fing 45 TUCKPOINTING- PLASTERING MARTIN. HU.

4172. General Hauling ASH AND RUBBISH HAULING- sonable. H. McCain. 4133 Evans.

JO JO'S Hauling- cleaned for what's in it. LU. 1092. FR. 1485.

UNION EXPRESS -Hauling any time any place, 5974 Minerva DE 5726. Rug Cleaning--Upholstery 53 REUPHOLSTERING and new living room furniture made to order: days delivery: slipcovers 10 days deltvery: budzet terms, For estimates without obligations phone CE 8876. Upholstering. 1406 Sullivan Detective Service 57 DETECTIVE WILKERSON does shad- owing. investigating.

Licensed and bonded. 320 N. Grand JE. 8894. WHEN IN DOUBT.

FIND OUT Educational Instructions LEARN WELDING Enroll now: day and night classes in acetylene and electric welding: approved for the State veterans Department training 07 Education under PL 346. ATLAS ALUMINUM WELDING CO 2913 N. Broadway CE. 1114 SWITCHBOARD TRAINING Learn the original, famous Florence System Modern All Day or evening. FREE PLACEMENT SERVICE FLORENCE UTT SWITCHBOARD SCHOOL 824 PALL BROWN BLDG.

CH. 8250.

The St. Louis Star and Times from St. Louis, Missouri (2024)


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Author: Laurine Ryan

Last Updated:

Views: 5870

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 88% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.