The Miami News from Miami, Florida (2024)

t. t- t. Ni 12C 12 INE MINI NEWS 111064 JO lit 1178 JI11 Sooretatial JIM Stutter lel J1-01 $asorM Mao Usual Elio JI-11 losers' ittles nommon JI11 Astovitiog I homing I JI11 Surly's! CONTROLLER ExpE RiENCE0 knawiotioo of nil I "nrrrirtrrtt knowienge of fee fitIl latiM Moo it" EOM- SECitCrAgi uovoymtown porgy 01 Dayeeltawn HiattiV -LECtALSECkETARY I Wel Wiled I. A- Dr DV lop Denali's Call 595-1114T e') mot Ivo', ha, vid too Denevils Lan Ivide0 ISM 666-, I PTiuNIST t.1"777:7:7.1.11y 9. Immediate mining.

tonw 1 rie OPPOrluntIV Vi CONIPOin CLLAK Ivoing, wiles Spolltweaf mtnutai- emnanw hanellis ASV' 18 uyrna lioragolfulisti mwngar. i -st c(Ao --Icaut)( lritrice tight filing, 1,011 1V01110, SP011twill PAU Oc ture cOMpanto Denefut, 4S93 10 muvrna Ilorage 0,0.01 CO' 531 lot not MPHIL Lenges kr-Typht muvrnt: 113-75311ot Anal 'tire componto Donernt, 43 gl Tuf ompooT Vonomt 4370 Ave Ko backround OrtfErt4 Abil 00 V10011 Wibadiround wrricA AvoKe Lot To IN All 00 WWII ON1 Ave Ks "NENETARY oic wrtiltroodroEuLquottLF itual oxRenenc S31-315 I IfiLik 12; prii57-" wool 'waded i1 'wen on nnono -1 I of ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK 1 silligoorlonted toe Gobi rPTIr idn gh An ItortwiLli A low I Jot Pitt ttwOrall (N tor Heave typing ogt) tot-W-451 Cootriontott tot Cob los tot, Heavy I boy oflic iiifirm, no nOCOSSIKY mum rectrt rbteR 070-44, 1 070-beettp, tere0d, 970,0 CRETARY Petit 1nduUria Perk secretay Oh kiwi for down. sown MCC ShOtthend tvpin required. fientrg gell ter IP01 Mr11 NeViturfl Vi-107 ERETARY Imowdlate ootning for Individual to atsisi Prtioent VanOut SocrItOri al dutieS SCOilefil typing Ilene required 4 muff tie Ibis to kindle general office work Qualified momenta Please confaci Chaffee Kneoffor for opal 03-t025 Sunbhote Polo inputiris tAdlacent to Golden Glades Interchanipel Ire Wolcott, fee ti-ris-hinti Stele tAO-1 tpcent to Golden Glades Interchange, WI oto gooneng for a WO, I .1 Hielogh ham MUI-TI-CORPGRATIE ORGANIZATION COCO WO OPPOrtunitY Must sod rnoot reloronyes ed mum to tiered Ntoss Ade 02IC FULL cherge bookkeeper for comouierlred selfern, togs stiovrolcr.ri. ,37 NE 11) st I lookkeeoer (accounte resolvable) Must NCI for vonsooriolion company, spark growth DotsMug, good solo- tt.W.Iffill.

68S-1005 BOOKKEEPER 1FFICEC1ERK INTENCONNFCT lohlohorwt COMMIS, to Miami ones gotn Ing inventor, clOrk familiar Itlennono gquinmoni, COM lob 1110P0flunlitt 1 Igr mit tight won. cog KWh, tOotrob Icing Phones, I VOY week IF Call 661-3403 foLoot of b000le with littowitOcnt of general 0,1 proyodurot tvoiott bone Mt floot lotoOlt ponbotrOloo Full bolt Lmotovrnent Yet Solloyvottot Cob Mitt urns jg GENERAL OFFICE CLERK litoeulrod by North Dodo low Firm, Must Ito iotottgoot, Inergitlit MI worker. Irmo, ik oils YOT timer, Coll Mrs Fridmen 1M 1 Nei tAtol PBX -ottralot lot 551st. Bookkeeper Assist. Bookkeeper STAFF ACCOUNTANT tom Isosisi 004, 'Owns Oka.

ail plod in board. VI Itssini losOrk nt tefl RAI reel es- tate management company BOOM tea 2 rT11- Var. ISs.n11.1 sECRETART poronti protOffed int tovifoomont, OOP COMOOWI paid telnee Datd fronee TELLER Receptionist To takinaalt Ii knnsfa Wang Beath Hiriie. Pepersenced eery. Must linas Cain tarsals, cash disborpernenie, bank taCanrikahons Ina have telephone experiss Owe.

ermanent possison, I day Ittit* t6S9773 tor opointmont 11 Mover's Metiers Corot Goblet main offito Oesnot owutive Ivo woman Good looms ssdi 'tett Abovo over000 EintiPormanonl NO," frttrb( ni lisOor 4233 A Igtfts sive gal goltork tor very re i sident, retarial treuired week, Jai. IRLFRIDAY loougrod by smolt nic Wiled near Decorators Row tor lvOine, an- swirl lone, tor :rns.11,4(,ctwierpir.ncerne01 hold ow 10 dn this otisy ootoon on Mr.MY Ilitia ll S763333 to 0 mot have VOW referencing, history. IN DUTY Experience ust knee how 10 rale I undywrilt ance, Hood gnsuronto, fon knowlogoo of Lines insuranCe Lee leam-1 lam 921Silel LEGAL F-Cf1ralinior paring(r of yownlown Fl Loud low ifirm. Personal iniurv votrience desired bug nog necessary, Top ielsof trellre UPOn atterienCe, JudY INSURANCE- Agigncy needs Mg rienCgd etersonal ones onoorontor. Coll Pave Alter 5924480 Lartie community devotion, teekO fuli Char bookkeerto, with minimum mil familiar EDP.

Dune will Inducts reconciliation of bank count iournal Win, of neat doer oc coutitt Wary. Coll Mo. Buriel 3 -1300 TULICHARGE BKPR. For intlevlow rFRSODNNE OPT FARMSTO INC National Firm Palmetto I le St. Inlrettitto DositiOn C0110111 benetile 'Warr open 392-1331 I Inet hear ood Wright 101 Aflgt UrtUnitl, EMPIOYIK Pelle RELATIONS SEC ETA VTA For oownlown firm.

Experienced Accurate typist knowlegapie office trait edures. 33771 EWEITiVriS Tiiingual Se(rlery for mood company exporionced, rod typing 1380 NW 23 01 434-8440 Executive Secretary Senior dartndr seeking see rotary with excenent edit. ry ooen, good. benefits. Mr Plootov, J14-0J60 SECRETARY proficient rt hood.

dictaphont general MOP duties for fog otilion Jai festpaced Office of Enamel 01 oar( of bane holding company Real eve, drotioomed held. Mutt be CaPabla 01 working with mini morn of SUPO011. Salarg Oggri 57i4319 SECRETARY Gable' company Pat perms. tient diversified botdion for Secretary wan good At. working c.4 tve company knolios.

666-6161 MIAMI based multi intetna. tional manufacturer 'yowl. a 25 continuottS rowin artulnlY II Onning for a Self sterling recent col. lege graduate with degree in business administration or accounting. Duties wilt in.

clump account analyti s. fixed assets nsivtis and control end soma' account. Intl prowls. Ootthrtunity for growth advancement. Company Paid benefits aro gram inctuotng regular sall rv rviawa ADDIV by 'Osumi only la NKOMO Dirsc tor.

SECRETARIES' WO NW Nei Ave .111 t3 i Rinker Materials Corp Nude crodlt Clerk leht infb Wei Irmo. of 101M eof CPA office, NMB, Minirqurn i'ookaaaaper's xoartanga thru Trial Balance. baler, open Bleurne Her- ld Nowa AOv 2749C et you like lob treadowl Manes, we have the ssignMerits availabie now tor You. Work In the area Your choice. the our WI You reefer.

Pull IIi or Dart lima. become I If-flew girl 1st Manpower. ciii us now. ECEPTIONIST NATIONAL, Manufacturer foot, bright alet plum, Pildt140-1550, erwd 454- I Niel person. allivnvo.s Iva lot schtsove ashoon ollogo.

Flood nosh I most Mr 12i9pm 13-271 AUTOWiniii solid Of ta litto ilsit over day a Silatt Owl 3 6SOS I IA BISCalm. lelvd Psg OPFIATOR CAPITAL SANK has an Goosing lot a PBX omptaltst. inire 6 st- ad 1-vn tail i Personnel lor an amt. An quilt Opportunity Employe BOOKKEEPER TELLERS for, Tamiami Branch (Muslim WOO) Edison Center (MUST SPEAK FRENCH) Allapattah Branch 1 PART TIME Personable good appearance Previous public conia0 or cashier experience TYPO 30wpm Flosabitils of noun Vora important Plaasanf working canctiliOne, PIM Mai position Cala teS- 7625 CHASE FEDERAL 131 9 NE 163 IT 163rd St Sh9DOMIP ClifttOf XERO)t OPER Automated Building MANPOWER omoorory Se HialohiNIAilmi 5w. lipo SWcorgi Gobbles 446-21H Few large thinning firm of 1000 iird 9200 09401u1 noc Arri Warm EXECUTIVE SECRETARY SECRETARY CLERK TYPISTS EXPERIENcEDsrat for multi ear.

I na "'tux xvw la 01F AT opportunity for covert 6442 Mt6 Components Inc. Wean general OfliCa IRS NW 37 Ave. lus and good COMMIVO of FULL CHARGE Bookkeeper Inghsh language. ingurt, a. ISem needed top tO General a.

Etta opportunity Emooyoy Sam, dart, 1 00 odY I. mbar with Peg eigard. Bi- fringes. Apply liagua Werterred Lao 6 U56Y ternINovli ar Intallen HiCvelLY Qualified controller nee BOOKKEEPER id Only person with heavy hotel duslry experience nee Maki IMO. Far garment manufacturer In SHARPPERSON rity Iviv benefits.

Heraid-Newsigi xrrnti tf --AlliSTANT Bookkeener Part lime erble area re 'dss Oultel SUB ling Construction lar hefting, cuStomer tenni'', 16 hind 9.6."NI" 1 'K' Top pay for Gables restaurant Call. fr Ave Killeen Gardens eve il lb' Ordertyhs rehab', Lhromachron 932 03s FULECEARGE B. 7 t14M10 In Here. Cl C. Grove itITPTIONIST secretary tyo- BOOKKEEPER if9 1.011 bookkeeping, Say open, Constru i o.

Through general ledger for rnultl- aprencep 9111V agniti 1110 NE t63 1. Lola J3. Import Marketing 01rIS lig AccOunft Payable Book. corporate orpenitation. leooly in 44- 904 ewer, sperience only need apply, person, 7601 Nw Leieune Road Purchasing Clerk c.II e30AM-SPM, 2384231 0 AL ir 1115-17-xiiikoeptv reZMI SIFAZTOUNTANT 31 years ea- for PA firm general accounting du- Perienct or well established local lies including preparahon of payroll To ewe Invoices frrfright bilrste ok ies Immedlell i earn.

feiffer 1, uin, IS I I ls bit. toA fim Send re3rme to ScheOter tax returnX Inal balances Group hog Go at fssur insurance Other benefits provided airline 3-11000 sal. 113 or Ike f. Miami Fla 331 Attractive Grove locetion Saler, i Oavid ash Inc FULL. -bookkeeper commenSurate with ablity A-kw-A priont).

light typing 351rearly to Start, pleasant office ASSISTANT hour week 30-410 mature wornanlars: ISTANI OKKEEPBR welcOme Arko 11904 BOOKKEEPER CI INTELLIGENT Girl to assist in ac- who wards pormanint lob, mod Tri I roc counting department. Excellent 00- Dm hospitaillation. company bent. TELLERS counting deparhient. -Excellent Components Inc.

7575 NW 37 Am Who wants permanant lob, dood pay, bospitailtation, company Public Confect Position remitrn bend appearance and Pighstint fiNtrighailig, Light higings timer ighceg tellers preferred but may considar dualities' Itainggs, Our Converts, Tw it aro- am is Ono of flirt est Lilo in steams, medical dental Cogtregg, retirgrriht, profit sharmg, lunches, pelting and manst ether benefits. Selo's, common aural. with litherfiCl. Accenting applications botwoon -I pm and 2-10m al lit E. Flelet St Room 207 or for fixthor Information call 579-2213 1 1 1 1 TELLER CHALLENGING position In Itie fresident's office of Miami aspd publishing firm, Will work or administrativo assistant, Must help goof! 'Monis manner, wik coordinate 11 (MSoatch info.

Motion. Musi be able to work in. On prolecla and handle heavy detail work. 55-60 worn, slon0 uoo0 salary bow Excellent is000rturillv With a MOW Miami based tom-Pliny or en individual with good typing A. dicleonone skills.

We offer excellent fringe benefits 1. a good sterling liliry for further information 11 Personal Interview Please cnil our Personnel Department at 59 1-Me VERY good fvolst secretary gust must be obit to translate from Spanish to English too folltno Structions Cell 62-0 133 PERSONNEL SECRETARY Good skills, some Personnti istwk pgrignr and bility to function In a fast paced environment are the requirements for this position. We otter full comoany benefits end an attractive work en. Vironment. Cali 666-11161 SW 32i WANTED BY STEAMSHIP COMPANY, Secretary with good shorthand, typing siting Als0 txperionied import documgnt tiOn clirk.

For Inn, cell Mr Scott 13-7333 ANKE RETARY EXPERIENCED with shorthand I YOil. Pleasing excel- lent Intents. Contact Mr Conover Key iscavne Bank 304161 INTEf.LIGENT, capable, officient young lady with good shorthand typing skin for Downtown office, Al least 3 veers OKDOriOrKO as Private Or tegoi Secretary. Top sell- rv Dentlit5. Herald-News Adv PART TIME 1PM6PM MonFri, Prowl.

ous Com bank towr.NOCO biteable Excellent FRAY or balingib oco ocoo. UNE 4 sr. STOCK ROCM CLERK SECRETARY Real Estate Data Inc. 239t NW 1111 St. 05-5731 DADE FEDERAL SAVINGS O000f 'unity Emo 4over benefits advancement.

We are looking for a capabie, responsibla person wile can handle pavablas raceivabies Avoid congested arta driving. Enioy Casual work 4 dress alma. Wert TELLER Poe Him requites oreviom xperm working yi pin suppms. Most obit to wore independently. Good Mum, excellent VO0fktn9 iYna ln ltie 11 IMMO'''.

Cell V-5102 Of MOW botwoon -17 noon. PAN AMERICAN BANK NA ISO SE 3 Ave Room 200 Equal Otto Mundy Employer Wig raorno estioPlir. dent. Pleasant working con- ditions in modern headouer- les office for individual with 9ood shorthand, hiffpnli cote 1 al Palmetto and 3eld 31.5 2-3700, eel. 203 LEGAL SECRETARIES Wallon Unfelt seeks 2 secretariat fully experienced in real Stale Or defense litigation.

Must take shorthand be good typist Permanent postions with all mar benefits Please Call 119-6411 OPpOrtunite NMB 949-6131 Mia. Bch. Locations BOOKKEEPER mvionce not nec 00000 v. To work under dirsollon of controller will train, Light Wing re- in small both have some Mu ay. nutrad.

Good appearance Parlance Aciple balwaan 122 pM and plGeasant Personalile I Airliner Mote SEMI-SR. A 41SS NW 24 ST Must. ood starting solarv ar end fringe benefits Annie in a 0 Experlance not nor 00000 v. will train, Light Wing reOuired. Good appearance and pleasant Personsilly MSC Good starting salarY and fringe benefits.

Appiy PAN AMERICAN RANK NA 150 SE 3rd Ai Room 200 Fawn OPPortuntly Employer M-Ir INSURANCE claims clerk ko xgerionca nEerV Will train Must typo minimum of Mwom Fug limo position with national cOrooration COmOnnY rqIlt Located on 826 near NW 3 1 for eppl Cell Sharon between 1 at S92.731O quaI Ogportunily Empioyv FORMICA CORP. Positions available; Excellent Pint benefits ACCOUNTING CLERK To assist Rani Accountant. TO Key A toping exponent' renuired. Mull be bilingual. Hew gic; work.

Card experience 'Mut Offaly 3 NW 165 SI between NO PHONE CALLS THE CLUB $110P 17650 SI Rd off I-65 NM5 653-1000 1-463- MOO MIAMI REACH Pr 414er Individual with sayings I loon Of honking; toportenct, but tool train With Artlout Oriel or Cosh imp. Typo Shopm. Oopp lalory xcillent COMPANY PAID RonelitS CAlterol. CHAS DE PA 7474C LINS AVE teupt Opportunity mployer MIF If til OP BOOKKEEPER 5 SECRETARIES BILINGUAL Hour parson eatwean 2 and 4 ZavietiS Fedaral ings Loan Bricitell Ave Miami. Fie Egtal OpoOttunity Employer Customer Service Sales Secretary Experienced organised self 'tarter wilh pleasant tele- phone personality xcellent ty0ints skills needed for busv $pies departmen1 of major international manufacturer.

Ap litude fOr figures, reoorts I record amino heavy oluS. Good slarting salary, regular re- views and mod benefit Program. Apply PerSOftikli weekday' 9am 10 40M. i NORTH BAY Full Chew to hanote set of Books other miscellaneous audios. Apo's, in person Pen American Aluminum 200t5 COUNTAN NE IBS St Miami I-350 A le you have a nice triendiV oersone11 Iv and rbov talking to people over the phone, please Ca us.

We nave the pertal 106 for you. Janice 693-Oyu FIGURE CLERK. kihk5 CPA Firm reouires accountant wiet minimum of 3 veara often! PUblIC accounting expenenca. Satire Igilt Resume Herald-New Adv Accounts Payable Bookkeeper for Mounts payable bank reconciliation in nallonal plastids COrporation. Oood star finj Wary I benefits.

et olo-Cast plastics Products OK. NW i St. 693-4680 CAPITAL BANK Is looking for secretary lo work for a commercial loan officer. Banking experience is Preferred. Call Par.

$0fInfti for an aoot.1161-49111 Equal Coportunilv Emoioyee TELLERS Senior with a minimum of 3 Years experience in public accounting tor growing CPA firm in No Dada Good oAndovtt2u598iit. Writs Nereid-News To Start Auto ISM toe maim' car company, Dynamill assignment. 2northanst scitedwrillno. 2 to 3 week vsionment. Apo.

only, cell ynn 121-S216, Rally Girl, omPOrarY, No Fee LEGAL Secrelary Or busy N. MIL law firmdinogsolary I b.neflIS, call Mr Ran 1193-5506 Wei known company in NMS seeks orient entry level person for ill accounting dept. Accuracy with tiourak a aboilty to owaia 10 key adding thachin et Excellent working lions. Cell fAM- IPM 931- SOS LOlY'S Automated Building Components Inc. INS NW 37 Ave.

CAPITAL BANK hat whims for artittairt Cad leilPf S. WO W.11 Iflia those with faTilatS Ca OW WW1 Call Parsonnel lot an amt. I-4911 Equal apartunilv Employee SECRETARY Large company in Ctables hos secretarial position for a competont indepangant thinker wins good typing. Light shorthand and Some real estaleconstruc'ion related background nalolul, Full company 666-6161 aal 305. Accounts Payable Lame communIty developer seeks accounts pavabio bookkeeper, familiar With EDP and accounts payable ProceduresGood salary.

Call MS lel 35B-1300 FRONT desk phone experience Wiry open benefits. needed pert time fyli EEjrNP NE Wee He Ico Seely Oixie Hwy Mi. 931-3011 italwrioNiST. motivArtb iitiktON RECEPTIONIST SECItARY Sharp femalemal fOr entry Wel Position to work in cement plant. Must be able to handie variety Of tasks in accounting, purchasing, personnel, computers.

Ideal candidate should have degree in accounting or computer SYMMS. Good promotion Possibilities for aggressive hard working Individual, Cali 0. Giel at General Portland Inc. Equal Opportunity Employer Equal Ooborturtity Employer EXECUTIVE Secretary to sales manager, exceptional compensation for exceptional shills and personality. Call Mr Loll 456-6979 or 944-4979 SECRETARY for busy new Mercantile office.

Must be bilingual. Ground floor opportunity for executive type. 666-0641 Needs alert person for clive eke. Must hay retail Cr unit control experience and be good with tiguret Esceilent opportunity for right perH )on Call 931-20I0 Mrs. SluNeI Dictaphone Operator Experienced, neat, accurate typist tor general office work.

Imell downtown firm. Call ill-5S32 STATE FARM INSURANCE AGENCY seeks melpre, auPined insurance secretary. Auto, home 1. ramp experience preferrect, Career opporionity, benelitS, vet, cell 279-6696 a etler lepm 661-6041 wn firm, Call 311-5531 STATE FARM INSURANCE GE NC( seeks mature, Qualified suranc secretary. Auto, home vnerl riling experience prefer- Career opportunity, benelitS, indail Vet, call 279-6696 a 661-6044 ICALL directory orefrefor needed for AAA EMPLOYMENT Suite office, general office shies re- 4.13 NE IS St an-930ouireeL hours II to tij I9 sas, week, INSURANCE iv-13-61b-IPTRATOT- A NIGHT AUDITOR Exwienced fire I casuaitv under-toiler in commercial I.

personal bnes iseede0 by Coral Gables amino, Mont 444 N. Kendall Dr. area. Ex Cellent opportuni v. Pleasant elmo- sphere.

typislshorthand helpful alary open. Call Mr. Peres 27 -79g OPENING For a secretary with some bookkeeping experience. Must U. able le type well have Pleasant, clear voice over Iron.

No Shorthand nec lary $iSS week plus builds. ell Mike 264-3212 Accounts Receivable Clerk FILE CLERK Bilingual Exec. Secretary Executive secretary for export company on Miami Beach. Must have flood background in English Spanish including correspondence in both languaoes. lotperienct in general office Skilit.

toe salary for the right person. 6134355 COLLECTION CLERK APPLICANTS Should have experience in Credit, collecliOn I CuttOmOr serviC. Responvpilitiot wiN ncludit. control of dverlisms accounts and, collection of oast due accounts. ceilent starting salary and benefits.

Quatifieri should come in to our ist floor mploment Office between hours OI2 or 2-4PM Non-The Miami Herald 1 Herald Plaza Miami Fla 33101 Secretary Gal Friday Coconut Grove area. Congenial atmosphere, fringe benefits. Shorthand reguired. Light bookkeeping experierKe desired. 10.

Key adder a definite plus. Salary open, Call MrS. Welling al 444-1446 for 0001. SECRETARY for large downtown Fl Lauderdale law firm seeking career employee who bright willing to learn must have developed secretarial skills excelleM solar, fringe benefits Mr. Mc Hale 462-3301 -Tat wito estate morigage experience or Dadeland law office.

661--4-- 821 Food 8, Beverage mail- once, Apply in person. Mr. Correa leam-3pm Sheraton River Noun 3900 NW 21 St Miami ASSISTANT BOOKKEEPER For retail accounting office. ExciorlOnce necessary SW area, food bins-ALL round odic assistant ex tit* I. salary.

76I-4733 eerience in typing tiling a Plus. PARTTIME bookkeeper, no expo-Good teltenone voice also an rience needed. 672-8566 learn-Spm extra. Excellent starling salarY --OFFICE MANAGER full benefits. Located near Position available for hardworking Miami International AirPori kW individual Accounting back interview Call Arnie Potarl round supervisory experience.

'eons' salary APPIV RC 240 SW 34 Ave Bovin Business MachineS Cola S50 NW 24 St. 6311-4646 ASSISTANT Equal Opportunity Employer ASSISTANT Model 757 console. Salary based con experience. Good benefits. APPIY in Person to Joe sic TALLY EMBRY FORD 000 NW Ith Ave.

OFFICE MANAGER SUPERVISE small office, 1101 bookkeeping, hospital billing knowledge desirable, salary commensurate with experience, excellent fringe benefits, apply in parson et call Home Neallh Services 04 One United litotes 2500 Nellendele Beach lryg Oede 940-7600, brciwarg 4567600 lit 113 GENERAL office recentionist experienced good typing neat ee gearance pleasant working conditions 751-11T5 Extensive experience necessary. Over SOO accounts. Good Starting salary, call for appointment. )76-38ou Ask for Mr. GutVire BOOKKEEPING Clerk.

Coconut Grove Area. Must be experience Receiveables Pavables. IUH lime, benefits. 40-5006 for IMO, BOOKIIEEPER RECEPTIONIST for downtown trial firm. Neat live appearance.

Light IVPifig required. Fringe benefits. 313-7611 BILINGUAL SECRETAkr." FOR part lime work at international firm in the Gables. Must takishort- hand I. Ivo in English panish.

kcellent benefits, Call Mrs ache: 444-1601 GROWING Insurance company has Opening for a tyPist. secretary. Good bKVVVINk, insurance COMPIMY nes opening for tyolst secretory. Good WE have in ottenine far file clerk voth ler met'. of full lune experience.

Must type 40 vdpryt and follow instructions accurately. Good references 'wired. REAL MS STATE 119 DATA INC NW t. 68S-531 ICP.1 IONIST-Clerk typist for buss, nic Hospitalization piano vacation 3131 NW 79 Ave EiCELLENT TYPIST 1111 BOOKKEEPER Can Mn Miller Full charm experienced for dental office. Salary open.

624-1371 sterling salary and fringe benefits. SECRETARY, local CPA firm, fug time. Salary commensurate with ex-- Call 2664100 for appointment. oerienct Coll Francis 854-6157 RENTIAGENT ekeTARY -for -CPA- office on LEGAL SECRETkRY 11 GIRL downtown oiscreni MIrsArtfe'ig tairg53469'''. I 1 GIRC-CrOw-ritroiin- tisCavna BOOKKEEPER CORAL GABLES CLERK TYPIST Customer Service Openings Prior work xneriance reouired iinguet preferred also Hie.

area. 5 day week nermanent Winn. poly mornin9s Only 1850 NE 144 St. RECEPTTOMST CLERK TYPIST Mortgage Closers Opening in our Meridian Ave Offices tor experienced Ot conventional of FHA of VA loans. Excellent sterling salary 11 company Paid benefits.

Sberft attractive air, for Airatart luxury rental car operation. Experienced only. AWE live pay 4 One-fits. New facility. Can Mr.

Miami letiSing Remelt Inc 1406 NW leleune Rd. BILINGUAL Blvd law office, general practice, short- Apply al 101 NW Ave hand required, knowledge book-Bonanza Import I sport keeping, paid parking, salary open LEGAL SECRETARY 39-2354 BILINGUAL SECRETARY for Real Estate office, with pleasant Litigation experience with some telephone voice. Must tvm SO to 65 knowledge of Estate shortheadi words, Mondav Thrg Friday. 830 tO rewired, fringe benefits downtown' 500. Free Parking.

Parry Real Es- iFor appl Cal Marla 576- 5611 law office call 34-76os twit 3050 Biscayne Blvd Suite 901 INTERNATIONAL Credit Secretary Excellent position now open Irs- sisting in running Bookkeeping ept. in better Woman's Speciality hots Solid growing comoanv. Must be gal who wishes secure permanent position. Must have experience sto to Trial Balance. Full Time.

Contact Evelyn 445-3552 Collections Clerk N0f1 smoker with FHAVA or Conventional background to work for Serge home builder in Kendall. Idle er closing experience helpful. For Interview call 214-2500 et 50 RECEPTIONIST wanted 10 greet WSINISSONKIVI On Drivele corporate aircraft ii Mil Interne. banal. Must speak fluent English SmanIsk 40 Pour wOrk week.

Please soolv In Person 5700 NW 36 St Immediate opening for PBX OPERATOR Is PRICING ClerS-5 day onoondablo monneuer vo in mon only Miami Ports I Spring I Noe minimum 50 WOm cCuralllY Inc. 6161 NE I Ave I knew phones, use 10 erre adding GET-A I Ifil St AL OF Ficg, sl3g must have trentneclation. AA MK YMeN init. 316 1 Hours 110 to I Ohod cornhanv gm. 33 65795031eitt goo NW 14 V.

592500, Mr 4 i Wo aving our nwalgeoft service department for experienced collections clerk, background in 1, I. Pleasant surroundings I dr week, benefits 881-121) One SEMI Sr. Accountant One Full charge Bookkeeper for CPA office fice on Miami Beach. 531-5669 1 ACCOUNTS receivabie clerk Fac-1 for experience OBS-1601 MTCPEATENCED Lr Burrough machine operator. ood working condition 'PON York urniture 4495 NW 37 Ave EXPERIENCED bookkeeper, downtown law office, excellent working conditions benefits.

Send resume to Herald News Adv 345B $200 Female bookkeeper to assist accountant of expanding long slab- i lished multi corporali rt. in accounting 1. at least veers book- keeping experience. ood working conditions benefits. lease apply in person Tues Ohm Thurs et 3737 NW 43 St Miami ohone 631-4171 Condition benefits.

Please apply In Person Tues Inv 'Nun at 33 NW 43 St Miami ohone 638-4191 SECRETARY BILLINtCLERK Resenationist AN you need art the skills we wiii train you into a test growing interesting field. This bilingual Secretarial position requires SOWPM yping shorthand in both Danish It English. Excellent company benefits o. working conditions. Call 517-5102 or Apply between 12 Noon.

PAN AMERICAN DANK NA ISO S.E.Jrd Ave Room 200 For soot calla4-6515 Equal Oooratunitv Erna lover M-F Affirmative action 5E08E1'MM-diversified dutles. Dispatch office, truckino company di NW area Call Jan 836-3501 SECRETARY-- Downtown law firm Fast sem. rale diclaphone typist, lepal experience helpful. Excellent ors-, portunily for a career position with a well established firm, Many employes MINIMS, Cdd 55--5500 RECEPTIONIST exoerienced in answering busy Phones. Pleasant sneaking voice, Mina able to work under orissure, Typing I.

gjc- one skills. rickell Ave Reel Estate company. tee lunch narking. Coll Liz SIA-440 tor soot Phone Order Clerk Ex Pending company needs X0faimed person for billing department. Must be accurr typist and good With figures.

acellent company benefits. Save ay industries 4920 NW 165 St, Hialeoh RECEPTTYPIST Eaual Oaaortuaity Employer M-Ig 1With good hiving, bookkeeping telephone answering experience for SECRETARY company offering excelient benefits good won conditions, previous experience is a must. For appt 1., Intelligent, efficient bilingual SIM further information, please call tary, legal experience preferred. S92-6365. EWA! OPPOrtUnitY EmGood sterling saline benefits.

Clover 854-1550 for interview. I EXPERlENCED SECRETARY Equal Opeortuniti Ern-Good starling salary Plover SWISS for Interview. EXPERlENCED SECRETARY BOOKKEEPER Pug time. Clear speaking voice I and neat handwriting essential, Good starting salary fringe benefits. Apply in person tg Greyhound Rent-A-Cer 4051 NW 77 St.

Mon MN Fri 030AM 10 4PM.171-6760 MISS PETROLEUM DISPATCHER NEEDED for Ft. Lauderdale 06100 petroleum hauler. Cali daily Dade Co. 350-6920 S234572 for interview TELLERS FULL PART TIME 'Attractive, well woken young lady to act as receptionist, to answer Phones and Nog SS WPM al the ex. Iending Gavle Carson Career EXPERIENCED Fool.

General office skills helpful. JOB COST ANALYST I all Lestee Mon only 9-5 at 351-3211 Detail work. Salary based On exPerl- 1 RESPONSIBLE person needed! since. Hallandale construction con- with light accounting background 1 Pony. Repiy to Herald News Adv must be able to Not tile antiwar 3974C Lim Levee MOO pp.e 7-3 al luetee worn.

3alare Paseo on expert- RESPONSIBLE person needed! ence. Hallandale construction Corn with light accounting beCkground 1 eanv. RePie ID Herald News Ade must be able to type tile FOR HOTEL DIMENSION BOARS) Siete Eseerience a must. Part lime gesition, hooly its gerson, or send resume to 2951 5. amino, Or.

C. ROWING Maintenance StirOlier requires 2 bright women to handle Incoming orders by ohone assist wiM office procedures No experienc nec sssss $3,50 oor hour Vert- Ong salary Mon-Fri Cali gam-Som 9314200 MESSENGER Opportunity tpr vounprnart with ROW advancement. Good SelarY, mleage i- lowanT. Mr, Athos 358-71S1 ASSI TANT Bookkeeper. Must Woe 7 wpm I general odic work.

Grentlenp Heights area. Siert et el 50 week. 373-1701 SESITTARY with CPA experi- ence I 5 devs tree 595-2442 SECRETARYRECEPTIONIST Foil time, (Frinct firs typing must. N. MIA.

ch. 652-326 1-5P Legal Secretary SECRETARY-EXPERIENyD 1794s Frank) Rd. Aooly in person at The bank of Pr- Girl Friday for small Office. alarY rine commensurate with ability. honel KINGLIAL Receptionist, light for interview 751- ss te I buSy Ph9MV.

worker, commensurate with ability: P-hone BILINGUAL Receptionist, light for interview 751-61118 tetrillnr4. pahve3yy7co*k worker, -I top assistant with opportunity for advancement, Knowledge of book- keeping machine. Paid riosOtal and Prone ortunity to learn the Bur- FULL time Bookkeeper Miam1 i Pension. Howard Industries Palmetto So roughs excellent starting salary area St65 to start, paid holidavti cull River Dr. IOU 1521 ti, Surrctundings Call Cathyl vacation 944-2537 I Hill Phnrao t9nA I In Full Charge $200 Up TEMPORARY "Fee negotiable Thru trail, excel-tent rgra ilickground -1 nAV Iii EMPLOYMENT 1020 NE 16 9494244 Negligena OXPtrienCe for cloy-Mown law firm.

Salary commensurate with experience ability. xcellent working conditions fringe benefits. Call Mr. Logan 374-2000 -PART TIME EXECUIPIVE SECRETARY For established company in downEke Iterlf Steno fvoirtg. Diverpleg town Miami.

Must be a good tvnisl. duties. Mia sich BUSY OF IC IShorthand helpful but not necessi- Call 9-12 Noon 945-4225 Ili Bookkeeping experience desired. LEARN BROKERAGE salary, free parking, good LIGHT TYPIN'O." fringe Coil Mr Thompson AAA EMPLOYMENT Suite EXPERIENCED secretary. Excellent opportunity.

Aluminum manufacturer distributor needs experienced ohone Order clerk, Must be COnicientiOUS Cheerful, Typing helotuts For interview call et13-S503 Nu-Vue Industries CLERK Typist for insurance of- fice, minimum SSwom, eoplv IP- I lam only, 2816 Ponce de Leon ASSISTANT TO EXECUTIVE tusy Auto manufacturer. Growing national COmpeny. Required generi office skills. day week, 9-S. jelary commensurate with ability.

Call Evelyn al 45I-SOS Hdele. Ti-laTri day, must typo, WW1; hour. Call Kim 526-5813 Clerk Tyoisl Bookkeetsa Mt train person with good basic background for interesting position in AviatiOn St One Locke Airport. usa to Marl. Call CLERK TYPIST SOUTH MIAMI SOUTH MIAMI ACCOUNTS payable, typing essential.

8 Grower's Ford 592-7890. 2 SECRETARIES ACCOUNTANT MIAMI BEACH Prefer individuals milth savings loan or banking experience but will train with previous office or cashier experience. Type 30m, good salary 6 excellenTCOMPANY PAID Benefits. Flexabdity of hours very teepee-tent for part limersili 053 on CALL 95-4 CHASE tDER AL 425 Arthur Godfrey Opportunity Employer DECORATOR'S RN" ClerkTypist Main Office knEo)(wPfeEdcVoNfCt-rEeDnch or tvr5ing, 358-5150 J1-01 General Mlles SECRETARY Large Gables COMPInt, has opening in the disbursem*nts department. Accurate typing and an attitude for figures.

Bookkeeping experience helpful. Pleasant work environment. Full ComPang benefits. Call 6664161 ext 221 '33NE liiECUTIVE es2 93'3 SECRETARY On NE 167 St 652-93031 Good typing good Phone manners good starting salary excellent benefits. Call Miss Burns 3134000 for appointment SECRETARY with shorthand for busy developer, construction experience helpful.

Prestigious Brickell location. Call Ms Blake 156-2600 for OPPL Clerk Typist For Insurance clpinss IniftirrIUM type SO wpm Fringe Izenelits, Send resume to P. O. Box el-0174 No. Miami 3341 Equal Opportunity Employer Jr.

Accountant or Accountant to work in busy office I learn all phases of accounting Apply in peon Pop American Aftiminum Corp 2804 NE 185 51 Miami 931-2350 Accounting Dept DOWNTOWN Kendall Branch DADELAND AREA FuR time, day position for hospital company regional office. Applicant must have ycellent Paling shorthand skills. Competitive salary with excellent benefits Program. Send resume or apply in person to T. Cook elumtna of Florida Suite 320 adeland Towers North 1200 3 adelandBlvd Miami, Fi 667-7421 it Secretors, to presitleist of company needed immediately.

Bright, responsible person, good typing shorthand. Excellent benefits, 5 day work week, good office hours, 'Mary Miami arta. Call for appl Earn Extra Money "Be An On Call' CLERK TYPIST ASSISTANT boOkkeeper-expert: enced, must know pegboard system, some typing, 5 days 9 los 9, lop salary for right person, call Bob 871-3334 CORAL GABLES Muttl-faceted position for large real estate finance company. Accustom to responsibility. Must bays eyperiencis thro trial balance.

Prefer some knowledge of working with EDP. Call 666-6161 eat 200. ginropsr Mon- goad Mout, 8. -a 015111410S. 1 bi-lingual.

Land devel-lieri. Apish, Fabrics 4000 ooment contracti background gre- Miami Ave. eenefits. 35 hour week. f-reir Parking.

Pleasant working Conditions. M. Green 666-1841 1 MIAMI LAKES medical office Ineeds Gal FriPtV for of- 1 fice duties. Public contact, same Spanish elpful S5410 CORAL GABLES AU Should have experience in bank reconciliation updating scheduteS also per form various accounting duties. Some experience in mortgage loan accounting preferred.

Good starting salary fringe benefits excellent working conditions. Apply in Person Citizens Federal Savings Loan 999 Ave Miami, Fla. Emnlvr borstals' PBX OPERATOR Florida's most successful VW-BMW-Honda dealer needs person with good personality to operate new communications center. Will train. Excellent working conditions, many fringe benefits.

Apply to PJ Malley INSURANCE $250 PER WEEK Legal secretary with too skiast advancement Mrs Lazarus 351-9456 us 1 AT SW 104 ST Outstande aogartunity tor MI right person. Permanent toll time moldytrent offering a fringe benefit Progreth with aN costs commit, paid including: Hospitalization, tile Insurance. Profit sharing, perking, luncheS, Newel plan, WC. Accurate Wein' I basic office skills essential. Must MCP working with figures.

Pleasant Ersonalltv, good apoearance. nvious office Men 1110 hell). Downtown location. Accenting between 11-1 lam I 2-4om at 119 Flagki St. ROOM 202 or for further Information call 579-2203 Secretary for State Farm Insurance Office North Miami area.

Day 01-1193, Eves 907-1127 ACCOUNTANT Aetna Life 3 Casualty has otserlinl for an experienced tranSCriber Salary based on skills. Excellent location, business hours benefits. Apply by typewritten letter to Aetna Litt Casualty 95 Merrick Way. Coral usbles 33134 ARE VDU unable to wbrk on regular schedule basis because of outside obligations? We'd like to meet you it you ire a reliable individual who Possesses good telephone manner, good corn- mend of English language and Piave clerical or banking experience. Typing skills Of 40 to SO wpm rewired.

We are now interviewing for clerk typists several times a month, on an on call basis. SoWheast Banking Corp. 1001 NW 7 St. 577-4209 Ewa' Opportunity Employer Top Notch Skills Necessary for this excellent poor-WIN. Experience or ability to learn operation of Xerox 800 necessary, Neely in confidence le Herald News Adv YINC SECtIARY PROOF OPERATOR North Dade location, require 4 veers of current experience with Bache- lor's Degree in Accounting, Paid insurance PenSi On, starling salary 114,000.

Send resume to Dent S.W. PO Box 680310, Miami, Fla 33166 1 Equal Opportunity Employer PART Time Secreierv for Lew Office 9 flf 1 doily, 596-2866 SOUT EXECUTIVE BILINGUAL. Should have mortgage processing closing expo-nonce. Miramar am. 621-3023 PURCHASING SECRETARY Immediate tmening for ex- rarienced proof operator.

)(Went working hours. ll 517-5102 or aoPig between 9-12 noon. PAN AMERICAN SANK NA ISO SE 3rd Ave Room 200 Egual Oppor Emp lover M-P AIR Carrier Eno Ia service has prim for cie it-IVPISI. Call Volkswagen South 11165 S. Dixie Hwy 111.410PDftvoity imployor DADE FEDERAL SAVINGS Key Power System 2277 NW 14 St.

Miami, large local distributor seeks secretarial assistant to Purchasing Manager. Secretarial skills reouired, purchasing experience .41 plus. To0 salary benefits. Call Mr. Guilliouma at 634-3541 ext.

111 Ewa! Opoortunitv EM010Yer CLERK tvpistireceplionist, lent typing skills mandantory Charles Oilier Architect Inc. 4100 N. Mi Ave 516-1240 ZCORATORS ROW Girl Friday, fake Phone orders, II- light office work, daY, hours. Standard FabriCS 100 40 St EXPERIENCED Telephone Cotiector tor Maior Credit Card Firm, North Miami area 8931100 ANSWERING secretary to take Orders Some college background preferred for full time career 'Oriented employment Need clear handwriting pleasant telephone voice Previous telephone experience helpful Will For interview call Miss Burns at 3541-4051 J116 Secretarial VICE President of national metal products manufacturer needs secretary with good typing 4, dictation skills. Will also assist chairman.

Du- ties opening 8. distribution of mail. TOO PaV with excellent surroundings fringe benefits, See Bill Christiansen at Equipment CompenY of America 1015 Hialeah Dr. (NW 54 St) Hie. GAL Friday needed for solar otters, company Please contact 232-23411 EXPIENCED Legal secretary for growing law firm.

5horthand dictaphone necessary. 5 day week week, paid Vacation Other 'rine benefits. Call Phyllis 311-1400 LIGHT tyPing but must be accurate. Good grammar. Excellent benefits.

S150 to start. Anacapri, 3660 NW 41 St. BANKING POSITIONS LEGALSECRITARY TELEPHONE CLERK Private Secretary I For senior partner of law firm located in I Biscayne Tower, good typing shorthand skills gdministrative ability required. Excellent Wary fringe benefits. 351-3000 OFFICE MANAGERSECRETARY! Busy sales service Office needs individual with good general office skills.

Experience a must. Order entry supervisory skills a OA Contaci Lila Pagano 421-1581 BELL CO. Business Equipment Grou0 Sunshine industrial Park-Mia. An Equal Opoortunity Employer MF SHOFITHAND INSURANCE EXPERIENCED litigation, Mil-pence. Good skills.

944-2367 LEGAL SECRETARY BOOKKEEPER FULL CHARGE I I.11.1. VI Downtown attic oleasant Dart time work. werienced preferred; wilt train. sitingual helpful. Salary bonus.

Mr Roberts. Sem to 12 noon )13-1601 Customer Service SOUTHEAST Data Processing Inc. en affiliate of Southeast Banking Coro. ha immediate openings for part full time lock box glerki. individust should hove Id key adding machine experience.

The work schedules art Alert energetic individual beinlp soueht to iorn rapidly growing iMature xperienced. Local rater, Miami comoany Good typing. Malniences. Starting salary S18S Typing skills general Office skills are ra- quireos a I Bch Herald News Adv 4 Mi Need parson with auto home owner's background. Refine Point; skills essential.

Salary commensurate with experience. Call Rosemary for appointment. Kollsch Ins. 851-S000 3307SW 27 Ave. Coconut Grove CLERICAL NORTH RAY CAPITAL BANK has an opening for an experienced payables clerk, if interested call Personnel for an 86149e1 EQUili Opportunity Employer -SECRETARY MIMEOGRAPH OPERATOR Accounts Receivable Bookkeeper For partner in orestigiouS downtown secretarial skills re- quired, will train legal.

Excellent salary I benefits, call Marilyn 379-1641 Hollywood Law firm has opening for legal secretary. Experienced in Real Estate anpior Litigation. Shorthand required. Salary benefits commensurate with experience. Call 921-2691 LEGAL Secretary experienced in Real Estate immediate opening dictaphone experience MB area hours fiexible Mr VVeinberg 533-6483 SECRETARY-part lime-required when on frequent business trips to Miami.

Must have typewriter. Shorthand S. tyPing required. Mail Noe-written note with name Phone number to: John A. Elm 0 Sheraton River House 3900 NW 21 Mu a FL 33142 PhOne: 171-3100 July 31-Aug' 4 TOP PAY! (Full Time) 710 to 3:45 Mori thro Set.

(one day oft during week) (Part Time) (Flexible Hours) Mon. thru Fri. 7am-12om, Sal gam-2om Apply in Person or call 571-4209. SECRETARY To process contracts Cancellations, prepare control totals for data Processing, use a 10 key. Knowledge of Bookkeeping helpful, Accuracy with figures recorded data essential.

Transportation necessary. Call 885-6231 for appointment. Stock Brokerage Interested in qualified ether. ented personnel. 3 Positions open for teletype operator order clerk-casnier-secretary.

To salary I benefits. 165-4141 For Grove attorney. Must have excellent skills motivation. Excellent benefits. Experienced preferred.

Call Howard 158-0202 SECRETARY Permanent position with stable expanding Miami organization. Strong typing skills required. Some dictation This is a challenging opportunity that Includes direct administrative responsibilities. Modern attractive working environment. Exceptional company paid benefits.

For interview appointment. Please call Personnel Director FARM STORES, Inc. 592-3953 We have an opening for a mimeo-grant, orxerator. Good starting salary, day, 31'1 hour week. Liberal vacation.

company benefits. Nigh Schooi graduate or equivalent preferred. Experience helpful but not required. Position requires heavy lifting of Paper. For spot.

call McGraw Hill 1370 NW 36 St. Miami S92-2000 Equal OPPortunity Employer NCR Machine, good filsist, davrod, office work. 5 days, Call MR. Leiderl 635-1311 for appointment BOOKKEEPER thru trial balance' preferably bilingual typist. Near International airport 571-1732 1 BILINGUAL accountant for heavy equipment export firm.

Starlit's, sal1101 $225 Per week. Send tOluind to Hered News Adv 2180C I Euster Furniture Co. Typists with shorthand ad-lidworn, earn TOP Kelly Girl has the lobs. Immediate opening Corot Way area, 7 weeks, legal with shorthand. Immediate Wen.

trig S. Miami Kelly Girl needs Your short- hand, dictaohone typing skills! Cali today for infer-Motion Soot. Customer Service Representative PROFEZIONAL SECRETARY Southeast Banking Corporation 1001 NW 1 St. EQUOI OPPOrlUnitY EMPIOVer 412 DAY WEEK Secretary Needed for downtown law firm. No shorthand, but must hays lome legal experience.

Excellent trines benefits. Apo's. to 66 W. Flight St. 12th Floor.

3 -6200 RECEPTIONIST ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE Positions open with maior ladies Vinare! manufacturer. Accounts re- ceivable must be good with position machine, typing and follow-up On details. receptionist must have good voice and pleasant personality. Good salary fringe bnefits package and Ileasent officeW lame Inc lopo E. 17 t.

Fla 678 1 I i To work tor Marketing-Advertising President, must be fast accurate typist, Ilighiy skilled in diclaphone shorthand Must be Tint zed, thor I. ough, enthusiastic. kcellent sala- ry, benefits. Call 448-5 06 for appl. Needs assistant bOokkeeotr, good salary I.

benefits. Pleasant working im person to 5. 3300 NE Znd Ave. KELLY GIRL CLERK-TYPIST RECEPTIONIST TYPIST For National Insurance I Intel, phone experience, typing 50 1 wom minimum. xcellent benefits.

1E (Wel Opportunity Empioyer 1056-3430 accounting 4 lookkooping Pleasant office needs a representative to handle Customer phone calls visitors. Will maintain small library end Ddatinci of volumes S. records. Will olace orders from Customrs and keep toe. Typine 45 wpm, 10 key tactile-tor and good references required.

Good salary benefits. REAL ESTATE DATA INC 239a NW 119 St. 685-5131 SECRETARY, legel experience not essential, for established downtown ley firm. Fost typist; shorthand. Phone 374-3103 Kendall Hialeah Downtown N.

Dedt Midway Temporary Service Tornoororof Service 274-1964 822-8211 56-01 652-397 881-0522 No Fit! Executive ecretary ecretary Our corporate architectural division is currentiv seeking a oerson with excellent typing, communications and organizational skills. Several veers of responsible office experience is also reouired. We offer a comoetative starting salary and an excellent benefit orogram. Please call Mrs. Robbi ROSertittlet at 25-6421.

COLLECTIONS IMO Downtown bank nem 'aneu live secretary. Shorthand, Prot 50-60 WPM. 831-lingual. Good company benefits. Call 579-3080.

Equat Opportunity EMPIOYet Bookkeeper Bilingual interior design company located In lesion center needs girl for small Office, Call $16-0869 for Immediate fool. Art 1.607170arlfryriper once helpful, APO'S, .11, 1 UM- VerSitv Dr. Pembroke Pines FL ASSISTANT Bookkeeper, construction experience preferred, references required. excelient working conditions 4 benefits. Salary Open.

966-6464 Or 625-5711 from Is11-111 Typists Pull time position for national chain of womens ready to wear. experience preferred. Hours are salary commensurale with experience. Apply in PersOO 1, ellINGLIA I secretary for bow II aircraft istasind company. Prior ex- Typists oerience in the industry Hours 9-tt 5 days.

Cali 1111-4500 Mr. PART TIME kamond tor BPDI. Vliff ACCOUNTANT EXPERIENCED capable of making all dtustments to general wooer preparing financial stalarnanIS. Knowledge of EDP helpful. EKeillfil salary benefits.

ENFIELDS SM Business Products Mr. Sabot 633-1551 Equal OPPortunity Em Plover RECEPTIONIST SECRETARY LEVITZ FURNITURE CORP 1 I WWII' SECRETAR-r LEGAL TRAINEE LILLIE RUBIN TYPIST ten Lincoln Rd Miami Beech, Fie ECM' Opportunity Employer CALL CLASSIFIED 3504222 Secretary for handling dictations on dictating machine, filing oMer miscellaneous office work. Must be thoroughly experienced. Hours flexibly No age limit, Airliner Hotel 4155 NW 74 ST APPly between I MS Typing, shorthand helpful. day, 40 hour week.

Good wish people, must 1317 N.W,167th St. be able to handle phones. Bilingual Miami, Fla. 33169 preferred. Good comport, benefits.

equal OPPOritinitY MPIOYfr I Apopiy AtigUlt Bros. Bakery 107771 i NW 36 AYe 1111-01 Seasral Offieo 1J107 General Met POSITION available immediately for bright responsibility person with good 00 typing Was. lary Coen. 358-196 Is1116 Secretarial J1-0 Oeneral Officio ii1101 general Office PERSIMELSECRETARY CLERK TYPIST MIAMI SPRINGS DELIVERY cumt The Miami News has a position for a typist immediately available in the newsroom. You must type 70 wpm with minimum errors.

One year's experience required. Working days hours are: Sunday 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. and Monday. through Thursday.

10:30 p.m. to 7 a.m. Excellent starting salary, fringes, vacalion, on-site cafeteria. Apply 9-12, 2-4 Employment Office ist Floor 1 Herald Plaza RESEARCH CLERK Southeast Data Processing Inc. an affiliate of Southeast Banking Corp.

has immediate opening for sharp individuals with typing skills of 40 to 50 wpm, knowledge of general office procedures and good communications skills. Salary commensurate with back. ground and experience. Excellent company benefits. Apply in person or call 577-4209 1 Do you bays a valid chauffeur's license good driving record? Do you wont to work for progressive company with excellent benefits? Then maybe you are the person we ore seeking! We have on immediate opening in our warehouse for on individual in good physical health with general clerical experience.

Apply in person or call 577-4209 SOUTHEAST BANAING CORP. 1001 N.W. 7 ST. MUM OPPORTUNtrf IMPLOrn Mito Secretary with good shorthand I typing skills. Good math aptitude.

Insurance background helpful but not necessary. Excellent company paid benefits. Free Parking. Coed opportunity for advancement. For more Information call Trisha Pierson 5414507.

SIIM BANK Of MIAMI 10 N.W.12 Ave. hmti oppamo, Inesting detail work in our bookkeeping department. 2 Years bank boekkkeeoine Of balancing ex- Defier(' necessary. knowledge of check processing system. Good benefits working conditions.

CaN 52211122 or 000lv 9-12 noon. PAN AMERICAN BANKS NA ISO SE 3rd Ave Roorn 200 Eouol 000ortuolty Eroolovor AA-F Southeast Banking Corp. 1001 NW 7 St. 5774209 'goal Opprtvility Imp toyer 190060000000000600000000001M000a 'S A ma.a,&at-lt A.

The Miami News from Miami, Florida (2024)


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Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.