How much is baby weighing? - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (2024)

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How much is baby weighing? - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (1)

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My little girl will be 5 months on Friday and is weighing 17lbs. Everyone always tells me she is a chunk.

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My lo will be 5 months on Sunday and weighs 17.6 lbs (8kgs). I get told all the time how much of a chunk she is! She's so cute

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okay so when people tell me she is a chunk they don’t say it in a nice way and then always asks how much she eats and It makes me feel like I’m doing something wrong. I think she’s the cutest and I love her chunky little legs

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oh how rude! People tell me she's a chunk but I've never taken it in a bad way. She's healthy and happy. She's bf and eats 4 hourly so she's not over eating. She was 9.1lbs at birth so she's just a big baby. I look at it as, if she ever got sick she has enough stores to keep her going. And I get to squish her lovely chunky thighs all the time and make her giggle!
Don't let people get to you, they probably don't mean it to sound so rude. I mostly tend to believe people are just curious and generally don't mean any harm by their questions.

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I hate this! my baby was born small and had weight gain issues. I constantly have people telling me the opposite, that she needs to be chunkier. its bad enough the opinions society has on adult to look a certainr way, why is there an ideal body type for a baby?!?!? and why is okay to comment on a baby like that at all
unless the baby I severely malnourished or 50 pounds at 5 months people just need to hush.

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How much is baby weighing? - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (32)


My 5 month old is 20 pounds. She’s in 99 percentile in weight and height �� RIP my baaaack. I’ve got people asking what I feed her. Uhm. Formula. And just started on baby food. I’ve gotten some rude comments from MIL too. And my heart hurts for her but rude comments about her body will not be tolerated from anyone ✌��

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How much is baby weighing? - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (39)



imagine how self conscious you have to be to fat shame a 5 month old baby? I’m sure she’s absolutely gorgeous, healthy and thriving!

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18.8 pounds was 5 months on the 6th

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How much is baby weighing? - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (52)


We are 5 months and close to 18lbs! He’s a chunkster and I love it. He’s as big as my cousins 1 year old. But I am not worried. My first two were petite but chubs if that is even possible. But they thinned out as they got older and became more active.

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How much is baby weighing? - February 2024 Babies | Forums | What to Expect (59)


21 pounds here�� got a chunk!

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5 months on the 18th and was 14.5 last week at her appointment

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my babe was 15lbs exactly at 4 month appointment. And it was listed as 37 percentile. I'm sure he's 17ish by now a whole month later. He's getting so heavy! But he's been average since in the womb. Sounds like your child is normal. My MIL called him fat. But she doesn't eat to stay at 90lbs. Why do I care about her opinion on being healthy?

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At her 4m appointment she was 18lbs6oz! She wasn’t born big at 7lbs3oz! But she’s long both my husband and I are very tall though

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yeah my little girl was 7lbs5oz at birth. But she is very long. Her daddy is really tall and on my side we have a lot of tall family members. But I’m pretty average height.

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my little peanut was 12 lbs at her 4 month and just had a weigh recheck today (5 months) and she’s 13 lbs 6 oz

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my chonker is 5 months and weighs 20 lbs!!! my back is ruined

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same! lol I feel like he outgrows his clothes sooo quickly too. RIP my back and my wallet

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SAME! i can’t keep up ��

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my girl is gonna be up there soon! lol. I bought a wild bird carrier and it’s been great on my back. The best support ever. I just carry her around in the house with that lol

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Name: Terence Hammes MD

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