greenhouse rock - getosmanta - 呪術廻戦 (2024)

Megumi had known Nobara less than three weeks before she asked him to be a part of her band. Something about how the old sound tech volunteered overseas and now she has no one, and she’d heard stories of him in the library fixing the schools sound systems whenever they went down.

At first, he’d declined. He politely said no, despite her fiery response of ‘why not, loser boy!’, and simply went home with his bag slung over his shoulder and told his sisters as soon as he’d walked in the door, smiling at Mimiko as she practiced on the piano as Nanako and Tsumiki painted each other's nails.

But when Tsumiki had simply asked him ‘why not?’ and proceeded to tell him it was a good way to get his resume full, he’d asked his cousin Maki for her number and shot her a text that said something along the lines of ‘okay, twice a week, i expect free drinks’. Since then, he’d been present at every practice they had, and he’d consider Nobara his best friend.

Throughout their years of practice, using Gojo’s garage for a home base, of course, Megumi slowly learnt how to play lead guitar and the keyboard. Not that they needed it, but it was something he practiced on his own, a solo concert for his sisters only who praised him and gave him a big ego. Mimiko was a piano prodigy, so she was a big inspiration to him the entire time, and she’s even played with them a couple of times, despite their sound being more grunge-y than classical piano. Somehow, she made it work. And that was Megumi’s biggest sign to start learning, so that he could carry that part of his sisters with him when they moved out for university.

About four years later, Megumi was part of a fully fledged band that actually managed to book out a few venues. Nothing major, but they’d accomplished a lot in between studies and playing gigs and it was enough to have Megumi doodling design plans and lighting positions in his composition books instead of depressing poetry that kept him up at night.

It was gig night, just a local scene in the warehouse that Choso owned, the plant life and greenhouse lighting creating the sickest atmosphere that Megumi had ever seen, and Nobara had gotten a text from Mai that she was too ‘sick’ to play tonight, despite being seen at the coffee shop down the street about two hours prior.

“She can’t be f*cking serious,” Nobara fumes, waving her phone in front of Inumaki’s face, who just closes his eyes and shakes his head, but Megumi can feel the annoyance rolling off of him. Being the drummer, he couldn’t even offer to fill in. “Our set is in like fifteen minutes, and she’s left us with no lead?”

“Couldn’t you cover?” Megumi asks Maki, who’s rubbing Nobara’s arm from where she’s sitting on the couch that had been hastily placed there for them by the owner. She gives him an unimpressed look, her glasses somehow making her even more intimidating.

“With a dislocated shoulder?” Maki asks flatly, glancing pointedly down to the navy blue sling placed on her arm. Yeah, that was a fair response, Megumi supposes. “Not your brightest idea, Fushiguro.”

Nobara laughs outright at him, whereas Inumaki and Yuta have the decency to try and hide it in their arms. Megumi makes a face at them, before sighing and rubbing his arm. Well, he doesn’t want the entire gig to be canceled, Choso was nice enough to give them refreshments as well, homemade lemonade and some lavender cookie bars.

“What if I played?” Megumi grits out, a scowl etched onto his face at the thought of getting on the stage in front of other people from their dorms and university in general. Worse, what if someone posted pictures and Gojo saw? What if Itadori saw?

“The guitar?” Nobara snorts, punching his arm before flopping back down dramatically onto Maki, carefully avoiding her shoulder and smiling as the older girl presses a kiss onto the side of her head. “Next joke, emo boy.”

Megumi picks up the nearest cushion and throws it at her, mimicking her as she yells about how it’s messed up her mascara and eyeliner.

Geto walks in then, carrying a tray of warm tea that he swears helps with vocal performance, Megumi guesses he would know, having been in a band during his student years. He’s dressed in his familiar black turtleneck, high waisted pants with the silver belt, tied together with all his piercings and his black nails. Megumi would be lying if he didn’t hope he looks nearly that casually effortless in the near future. Not that he’d ever tell either of his dads that he looks up to them. That’s too easy.

“That’s not very professional, Megumi.” Suguru chastises, grinning as he hands Nobara and Maki two fresh cups. “Your father and I are waiting out there, is there anything we can get you before you start?”

“You could get us a lead guitarist.” Nobara snorts, slowly sipping on her tea, her features already softening at the first touch on her taste buds. “Thanks, Geto.”

“Oh?” Suguru hums, folding his arms against his chest and glancing knowingly at Megumi who just glowers in return. “Did you-”

“I already offered.” Megumi mutters under his breath, unknowingly copying the exact pose his father was doing next to him. “They don’t want me to.”

“Oh, crap,” Maki says, jostling Nobara as she sits up, leaning forward with a surprised expression and gesturing at the both of them. “You weren’t kidding? You can play?”.

Megumi just gives her the same look as he did earlier, as Suguru laughs and pats his back gently, making him relax slightly. They have about ten minutes until they have to be on stage, so whatever plan they’re making needs to be decided now.

“Alright,” Nobara stands up, digging through her make-up bag as she speaks to Megumi, who just stands there not knowing what to do with himself. “Well, Yuta you fetch the guitar. Geto, can you help me make your son look presentable?”.

Suguru does a salute and ruffles Megumi’s hair and laughs softly as his hand is batted away unkindly.

Five minutes later, Megumi has an entire can of hairspray in his hair, spiking it up in every direction. There’s thick, black eyeliner smudged around his eyes that make them ‘pop’ according to his father and Nobara, as well as a touch of mascara that was more brown than black but they made it work. His outfit, thankfully, already worked pretty well. Baggy black cargos that were held up with a chain belt he’d stolen from Nanako, a black t-shirt tucked into them with a graphic of cerberus on that he’d found in a random gift shop. Not to mention his piercings, three sets on each ear as well as a lip piercing, his painted nails (the same color as Suguru and Mimiko), all finished off with his battered black docs that were peeling paint and lather like petals.

Suffice to say, he definitely looks the part. He decides to take the jacket he was wearing and ties it around his waist. He always feels comfortable knowing he has his jacket on him at all times, plus it’s black so it doesn’t distract at all.

Megumi fiddles with the fretboard as he sways slightly, stomach alight with nerves. He should have kept his mouth shut, what the hell was he thinking? He can play, yeah, but he’s never played with an audience larger than his family - and what if they for some reason decided to switch-up the set list? Inumaki and Yuta are sort of known for adding their own flair. And what if that guy was here, Itadori with the pink hair? Who keeps following him around campus like a lost dog. He knows that his brother owns this place, he’d seen him carrying pallets earlier. God, if Megumi could drop right through the stage he would. He was so disgustingly obsessed with him, but can’t bring himself to start a genuine conversation with him.

“Right.” Nobara claps, fixing her hair and lipgloss in the reflection of the glass door before turning to the rest of them. She has an easy smile on her face, and Megumi reflects it. “Good luck Megumi, the rest of you I believe in.”

Megumi’s smile drops back down to a scowl as Yuta and Inumaki snicker behind him. He grips the guitar neck like it’ll slip as he walks out onto the stage, squinting as he adjusts to the lighting. Okay, first job when he’s back in his comfort zone, find some less-harsh lights that still light up the deck.

Taking a deep breath, Megumi stares at the floorboards underneath his feet, and tries to listen to Nobara’s opening speech about how thankful they are, what they’ve been working on, and how does the crowd feel tonight? Behind him, Inumaki taps his sticks and that’s the cue for Megumi to start.

With confident hands and trembling breaths, he starts playing as the crowd pipes up with appreciation, dulling down to a peaceful hum as Nobara starts to sing. Megumi smiles, maybe he can do this?

“Dude, you’re sure you want to be here tonight?” Yuji asks, patting Todo on the arm as they move through the doors of the warehouse, ignoring the couples making out in the entrance. Yuji winces. Of all the nights Todo had to break up with his girlfriend.

“Brother, it’s fine. Really.” Todo enthusiastically says, clapping him on the back with a palm wider than Yuji’s head. He stumbles forward, but smiles nonetheless. “I want to experience this band that you keep talking about.”

“You mean, the tech guy he keeps talking about?” Junpei pipes up behind them, voice small but still full of a teasing tone that Yuji narrows his eyes at.

Todo’s booming laugh makes Yuji flush and he glances around the room for a sighting of his brothers. Spotting dark, spikey space buns he quickly murmurs a ‘i’ll be right back’ before he dashes over to Choso, who’s leaning against the bar area with Yuki.

As soon as she spots him, Yuki is grinning. She looks nice tonight, green cargos paired with a slim-fitting white vest. Simple, but works well in the atmosphere. Yuji smiles back, accepting a quick hug from her as she ruffles his hair. Choso frowns, reaching up to fix Yuji’s hair by smoothing it down with both hands. Little pink tufts sticking up in every direction as Choso huffs, using a spray bottle left for the plants on the younger man's hair in a desperate plea to get it to listen. He wasn’t successful, and Yuki laughs at him. Yuji just continues grinning.

“The place looks great tonight!”

Choso smiles softly, looking up at the stage as Nobara starts to really get into the set, swaying with the microphone like it was an extension of her. It is, Choso supposes.

He, Yuki, and Megumi had really put a lot into the theme for the concert. The new album had a catchy title that was something like ‘Love and Thorns’, so Choso had found as many offcuts as he could to decorate the area, beautiful shades of green framing the stage with occasional reds and whites provisioning pops of color as the lights shine over them.

“So,” Yuji draws out, leaning against the counter in between the two adults, inspecting his nails in an attempt to appear more nonchalant than he actually was right now. “Did Fushiguro help you guys out today?”

Yuki suddenly gets a smile on her face that makes Yuji feel uneasy. He glances at Choso, who is grinning too and all of a sudden Yuji feels more confused than he was during his finals last week.

“Is that a no?”

“Have you, perchance,” Yuki puts on a fancy accent, closing her eyes and waving her hand delicately. “Happened to glance at the stage behind you?”

“What?” Yuji frowns, crossing his arms. Nobara is his best friend in the entire universe. “Of course I have. Nobara looks amazing, just like always.”

“No, Yuji.” Choso smiles gently, grabbing his shoulders and forcing him to turn in view of the stage. “Check out the lead guitar. Heard he’s new, Yuki and I were just talking about him.”

“New guitar..?” Yuji scrunches his nose and narrows his eyes up at the stage. There was Nobara, in her gorgeous outfit that Yuji helped her pick out along with Maki. The latter who was singing some back-up vocals. Along with Inumaki on drums, Yuta on bass, and Mai-

Holy sh*t. That’s not Mai. Holy sh*t.

“Holy sh*t.” Yuji breathes. “Is that-”

“It’s Fushiguro,” Yuki chirps before bringing her beer bottle to her lips. Choso crinkles his nose as she takes a sip, preferring to stick to his black tea with honey. Yuji likes to call him an old man in spirit, as if he wasn’t only twenty-six. “Some kind of band crisis - he’s filling in for Mai.”

“He can play guitar?” Yuji breathes, his eyes fixated on the older boy moving about on the stage, grinning as he plays and jokes around with Yuta. Yuji looks down at himself, and mentally curses himself for wearing the same ratty jeans he was skating in earlier as well as his yellow hoodie with the red hood that Sukuna said makes him look like pooh bear. “Oh, god. Do you think he can see me?”

“Yuji,” Choso snorts, laughing harder as Yuki completely loses it, choking on her beer and slamming the counter. “You sound like a grouper.”

“Groupie,” Yuki chokes out, more of a wheeze than a correction.

“No I don’t!” Yuji defends, shoving his hands in his pockets and scuffing his shoes on the floor, nodding his head along to the current beat that’s surrounding them, bouncing off the paneling of the walls perfectly. There’s a decent crowd, a couple of the photography students mulling around with their cameras. It’s also hot and stuffy, and he regrets his hoodie even more. “I look casual, like I just walked in here for no reason.”

Choso gives him a look that can only be described as extreme pity, and Yuji hangs his head.

“Yuji,” Yuki pats his shoulder, a thoughtful look on her face as she pouts and bats her eyelids. That can’t be good. “You show up to every gig, you ‘help’ your brother if he’s around, oh and you talk to Nobara about him all the time. If he was going to see you, he would have by now. Kid’s oblivious.”

Yuji sighs. Having a crush is exhausting, it consumes every part of him and he’s not even sure Fushiguro knows 1. What his name is, or 2. Knows he exists in general. They’ve been in the same literature class for almost three years that Yuji only joined because Nobara said Fushiguro was ‘really into reading’. Although they've been in the same area for almost five years now, Yuji was a scrawny kid when they moved here so he didn’t want to make a move straight away in case he embarrassed himself - Todo told him that Fushiguro has a preference for buff guys.

When Nobara had come to him one night in tears saying their tech left and they had no idea what they were going to do, Yuji grinned and said that he knew a guy that was amazing at all things tech! But, under the agreement that Nobara won’t tell him where she got the recommendation. Yuji had helped Fushiguro in the library a couple of times, even held a couple of conversations with him, but he didn’t think he was interested in the slightest.

So, maybe it was for the best that he was wearing the most inconspicuous clothing right now - he wouldn’t want his first attempt at flirting with his crush of five years to be whilst he’s wearing his tattered skateboarding clothes whilst the other is wearing an entire ensemble and showing his talents off in front of a crowd.

“You’re right.” Yuji sighs, picking at the label on Yuki’s bottle as she drinks it. She gets her phone out and sets a timer, before ruffling Yuji’s hair. It’s fifteen seconds before Choso grumbles and reaches to fix Yuji’s hair who just laughs again. “Do you think I should-”

“This goes out to my best friend, and supporter,” Nobara calls out on the mic, grinning as she points at Yuji and Inumaki gets up to point a portable light at him, making him stand out in the crowd. Yuji feels his heart sink, and his matching scars under his eyes from his accident must be gleaming from the warm lights suddenly directed at him. “Yuji Itadori, you only suck half of the time!”

There’s cheering, and Yuki and Choso are louder than anyone else in the room, but Yuji makes eye contact with Fushiguro on the stage. It’s for a second, probably not even that, but Yuji feels all his breath leave him in that one moment and he somehow sees Fushiguro’s perfectly evergreen eyes glinting as he smiles, his lip ring shining and his little pointed canines peeking out from the smile he gives Yuji, slightly flushed from how hot it probably is up there and how much he’s been bouncing around. Yuji feels his eyes widen as he stares back, lost in how ethereal the other boy looks up there.

“You got a shoutout, brother!” Todo’s booming voice comes from behind him, breaking Yuji out of his trance, and Fushiguro is a second late to playing his chord. He stumbles a bit, wincing, before Maki pats him on the shoulder and he rights his rhythm. Yuji just watches for a second longer, cheeks pink and eyes wide. “Brother?”

“Holy sh*t.”

“You knew he’d be here?” Megumi demands in front of Nobara, face way too close like he’s conducting an interrogation. Her face is the best look of indifference he’s ever seen. “Itadori? I thought you said he was skipping this one.”

“Careful, Fushiguro,” Maki snorts, kissing Nobara’s cheek as she passes by, patting him on the back of his shoulder, hard. “Your emotions are showing.”

Megumi flushes pink as he scowls at her retreating form, before he looks back at Nobara, who has her phone screen shoved in his face, waiting for him to respond. There’s a picture of Itadori on there, sandwiched between Nobara and that emo kid, Junpei.

“Hm?” She asks, her copper bangs stuck to her forehead slightly with sweat from the performance, mascara smudged underneath her eyes. This does not take away from how disgusted she looks at him right now. “I knew it. You like him?”

“I go to class with him,” Megumi goes for uninterested, but it sounds more like a desperate plea even to his own ears. “Itadori. You said his first name was Yuji? Does he have a girlfriend?”

Nobara snorts in his face, before snatching his phone out of his pocket, making a ‘blegh’ sound as she looks at the basic wallpaper of him and his dogs he has set as his lock screen. She taps in the code Megumi gave her years ago before pulling up Itadori’s instagram. She taps follow, as Megumi stutters out an ‘Why did you do that’ before snatching his phone back, heart sinking as it isn’t immediately followed by a new follower ping.

“You’re both embarrassing.” Nobara declares, glancing at Maki who just nods suspiciously. “Anyway, welcome to the band.”

“I was already part of the band.” Megumi flatly replies, still refreshing his phone like the lame man he is. He should have just spoken to Itadori himself, like he’d practiced in front of his dogs. “Unless you didn’t consider me a real member?”

“Of course we did!” Yuta hurriedly says, interjecting into the conversation with a frantic look. His black hair tied neatly at the base of his head, but little black bangs swaying with the dramatic outburst. “Fushiguro, of course we did.”

Inumaki just gives him an enthusiastic thumbs up, his face mask covering his mouth but his eyebrows and eyes are raised so Megumi knows he’s beaming underneath it. He smiles lightly back, he’s always got along with the both of them.

“Well, yeah,” Nobara rolls her eyes, punching his arm. “Mai is fired from the band, like effective immediately. And you can play, I already knew that.”


“Tsumiki told me.” Nobara says simply, before flashing her nails at him, the black polish gleaming in the light like ten individual little snakes. God, he knew Tsumiki was up to something last night when Nobara had come over and gone straight to her room. He just assumed it was relationship troubles - he doesn’t have the best track record of giving advice.

“God damnit.” Megumi mutters under his breath as Nobara laughs with a look on her face that resembles more of a gargoyle than the precious angel Tsumiki seems to picture her as.

“Okay,” Nobara steamrolls forwards, typing as fast as lightning on her phone. “You have five seconds to tell me if you don’t like the way you look right now.”

Maki coughs out a laugh behind her, before shrugging as he shoots her a look that says ‘can you please remove your crazy, evil tiny girlfriend from the room’.


Nobara shrugs, waving her phone in the air. “Because, Yuji is on his way back here and I thought I would be nice and offer to reapply some of that eyeliner so you don’t look so washed out.”

Yuji smiles at his phone as he wanders to the back area, usually where Choso keeps his additional plant pots and sprinkler valves. During his school years, Yuji had converted it into a neat little hang spot for him and his friends. There was a couch, a mirror so that Todo could practice shaving their hair (badly), a table, an old Xbox, and a couple of posters hung up. When Nobara had mentioned using the greenhouse as a potential gig spot, he’d re-vamped it a bit so that it was more fresh and modern. He loved decorating, he always knew exactly what to add.

He dodges a bunch of drunk girls, who are all talking about who’s more likely to get noticed by Yuta. He snorts to himself. Good luck with that one. There’s some steps up to the stage that he jogs up, pocketing his phone as he pushes through the cool glass doors he’d helped Choso install a couple of weeks back. His heart does a weird flip-flop before he enters, but he chalks it up to the fact he’d been skating around on an empty stomach and mass amounts of caffeine. Definitely not because Fushiguro was probably in the room with them all, looking like he was fresh out of a fashion magazine whilst he looks like a hungover pillow pet. He desperately tries to fix his hair before Nobara yanks the door open in front of him with a sad*stic grin.

“Yuji!” She exclaims like she’s shocked, pulling him into the room with rough hands before thrusting him onto the couch next to Yuta, who just smiles at him reassuringly. “How nice to see you in the crowd tonight. Did you like my heartfelt speech?”

“Yeah!” Yuji grins back, all angst leaving the moment Nobara brings up his shoutout. “Thanks, Nobara! And you guys, you all played so well!”

There’s a cough from Maki, and a pointed look across the room to where Fushiguro is sitting on a lone armchair, staring blankly at the wall.

“And you were great too!” Yuji hurriedly says, leaning forward to talk to him, his heart beating like crazy against his ribs. “I didn’t know you played guitar too! Dude, literature and guitar. You’ve gotta be a chick magnet!”

Maki full out laughs at him, glasses slipping down her nose as she leans back and Nobara joins her. Yuji frowns at the both of them, mouth already opening to defend what could be the love of his life before he’s beaten to the punch.

“Uh, yeah I guess I do.” Fushiguro rubs at the back of his neck, his cheeks going an adorable shade of pink that Yuji wants to remember forever. It reminds him of the cherry blossom trees that Choso and Nanami planted outside the house. “And no, not really a chick magnet.”

“Oh man,” Yuji pouts. He flops back against the couch, trying not to get his hopes up too badly. Not a chick magnet, but a dude magnet, perhaps? He glances at Nobara, who just whistles and makes a shooing motion with her hand. “Um, did these guys show you where we keep the drinks? It must’ve been hot up there.”

No. Yuta said we’d have to wait, your brother's fridge was out of service?” Fushiguro answers, his voice getting more gritty as he continues, and he glances at Yuta, who just rubs his neck and starts an animated conversation with Inumaki about the rising cost of guitar strings.

Yuji just laughs, shaking his head and getting up with a groan, offering a hand out.

“Wanna get one together?”

There’s a moment's pause where Yuji thinks his chest might give out, or he’ll strangle himself with Fushiguro’s fashionable chains if he declines, but then he feels a soft and warm hand meet his, and he holds his breath. Fushiguro smiles up at him, standing up and nodding.

“A drink would be nice.”

“Uh,” Yuji stutters, before stumbling over his words and laughing nervously as Nobara rubs at her forehead behind him. “Y-yeah! C’mon, I’ll show you the good stuff. Ice cold.”

“Lead the way, skater boy.”

Yuji almost asks how he knows that, but he figures Nobara must have told him. He knows they’ve been close for a couple of years, he’s bound to have been in a conversation somewhere.

It’s a short walk, back out the doors and down the stage to a little back area behind the bar. There’s a kitchen that has a walk-in fridge Yuji could die happily in. There’s plants that have to be kept at a certain temperature, according to Choso, but Yuji just stashes his cans of monster and melon milk in between the shelves.

He smiles sheepishly as he hands Fushiguro one of the few undented cans.

“Sorry, I kind of stash them in here quickly before my brother can notice.”

Fushiguro just accepts it with a smile, reading the label with a raised eyebrow.

“Pomegranate? I didn’t peg you as a pomegranate kind of guy.”

“You pegged me?” Yuji blurts out, ears turning red as he registers what he said, smiling dopily as Fushiguro bursts into rare laughter. It’s rich and gorgeous, like pure joy. “Sorry, I just didn’t realize you even knew I existed.”

Fushiguro raises his eyebrows as he takes a sip of the drink, making an exaggerated ‘ahhh’ noise as the cold drink soothes his throat.

“Of course I do. We have the same class, right?”

Yuji rubs the back of his head, moving so that he can set the skateboard he’d also stashed behind the shelves onto the floor, sitting at the very end of it. It was a longboard, not something he used often, but Sukuna kept stealing it. It’s light pink, cherry blossom decals clashing horribly with his Chainsaw Man stickers.

“Well, yeah.” Yuji nods, smiling up at him. He’s squinting as the light from the refrigerator glares directly in his eyes. “You’re kind of top of the class. I can barely read.”

“I’m sure that’s not true,” Fushiguro starts as he sits on the empty space left on the longboard, making Yuji beam at him. He knocks his shoulder, looking at him earnestly. “It’s about enjoying literature, not being the best at it, anyway.”

“Yeah,” Yuji stretches the syllables out, taking a long chug of his own can. “I don’t do that either. Unless you count manga.”

Fushiguro looks at him with an exasperated look, huffing out a laugh and leaning in close to him.

“Why the hell did you join advanced literature, then?”

Yuji bites his lip, studying the floor in front of him. Little grey lines in a complicated pattern that stretches across the whole unit. He’s counting them to calm his nerves, before he eventually replies with:

“I was kind of hoping it would get me closer to you?” He risks a glance at Fushiguro, who’s just sat still with his mouth slightly open, stuck in a stunned ‘O’ shape, his eyes wide showing beautiful shades of green that Yuji could write poetry about. There’s that beautiful pink back on his cheeks. “Sorry, is that weird?”

“No, no,” Fushiguro stutters, running a hand through his messy hair with a shaky smile on his face. “I mean, no, I wanted to talk to you too. But torturing yourself with Yaga’s teaching? You could have just asked Nobara for my number, couldn’t you?”

Yuji stares at the wall.


Oh, crap. Yeah, no, he totally should have done that. Why didn’t he do that? Wait, why didn’t Nobara offer to do that?

“I guess I could have done that, too.” Fushiguro bumps his shoulder again, smiling softly, eye’s crinkling and it makes them look even more pronounced, with the black eyeliner framing them. “Kind of though you might have been out of my league.”

“You’re hot and you can play guitar,” Yuji blurts out, almost knocking them both off the board. He turns with incredulous eyes to the other boy, who looks amused. “You’re part of a band, you’re smart, and you dress like a rock star. I skate around in jeans that died twelve years ago!”

“Some people find that hot.”

Yuji grins. “Really?”

“Yeah. Not me, though.” Fushiguro deadpans, laughing at the way Yuji’s face drops. “I’m just kidding. Wanna grab something to eat? I’m going to leave without Nobara, she’s set us both up.”

Yuji is still grinning, a stupidly big grin that’s stuck to his face and he thinks he wouldn’t be able to remove it even if he tried.

“Itadori?” Fushiguro asks with a frown, hand extended down to him. Yuji takes it, squeezing slightly.


“Read my mind.”

Nobara leaves them both a five minute long voicemail that starts with how annoyed she is that they left her stranded (Yuta took them all home), to how dumb they were both being, ending with how happy she was that once again she was correct, and that she needed the full details as soon as possible.

greenhouse rock - getosmanta - 呪術廻戦 (2024)


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Author: Allyn Kozey

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Name: Allyn Kozey

Birthday: 1993-12-21

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Hobby: Sketching, Puzzles, Pet, Mountaineering, Skydiving, Dowsing, Sports

Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.