Do I Really Need an Alignment? | Les Schwab (2024)

You don’t have to go off-roading or hit hundreds of potholes and speed bumps to cause alignment issues. Everyday driving can put your wheels out of alignment. Over time, those misaligned tire and wheel assemblies will impact your gas mileage (MPG), cause tires to wear out faster, and reduce drivability. Here’s why you need regular wheel alignments and how Les Schwab can help.

What Is a Wheel Alignment?

A wheel alignment is the process of adjusting the angles of your vehicle’s steering and suspension components back to original specifications. This means the front and rear wheels are in alignment with the vehicle’s centerline — optimizing driveability and fuel efficiency. An alignment is done using a special machine that measures the wheel angles against your vehicle’s original specs. The technician then makes adjustments as needed.

When your vehicle needs to be realigned, the experts at Les Schwab will do an alignment that is most appropriate for your vehicle. These may include 4-wheel alignment for front-wheel drive, all-wheel drive, and most passenger vehicles, and thrust alignment for many larger trucks and SUVs.

Do I Really Need an Alignment? | Les Schwab (1)

Why Your Alignment Is Important

Regular alignments should be done twice a year as part of your basic auto maintenance. Why? Because misaligned tire and wheel assemblies will impact your gas mileage, cause tires to wear out faster, and reduce drivability.

When your vehicle is in alignment, all four wheels will be pointed the same direction and lined up from front to rear and contacting the road at the proper angle.

How Your Vehicle Gets Out of Alignment

Dirt roads, bumpy highways, potholes, as well as hitting curbs and speed bumps can throw your vehicle out of alignment. Additionally, alignment issues will happen slowly over time due to normal wear and tear.

To quickly analyze your car’s alignment, ask yourself these questions during your next drive:

  • Does your car or truck pull to one side when driving?
  • Is your steering wheel turned slightly to one side when driving straight?
  • When you come out of a turn, does your steering wheel return to center easily? In other words, does it go back to center (or nearly center) without a lot of work from you.
  • Are you constantly making small steering corrections on the highway or freeway?
  • Do you have excessive wear on the inside or outside of one or more of your tires?

Answering yes to any of the above could mean your car or truck needs an alignment. However, because alignment issues can be tough to spot, it’s a good idea to have yours checked twice per year even if you don’t notice any issues.

Les Schwab Tip: It’s a common misconception that you only need an alignment when the vehicle is handling improperly. This is often not the case. Getting your alignment checked twice per year can prevent unexpected tire wear and/or fuel economy.

Common Wheel Misalignment Signs & Symptoms

It’s important to maintain proper wheel alignment on your vehicle. While getting your alignment done once or twice a year is advisable, there are other times when an alignment may be necessary to avoid loss of gas mileage and excessive tire wear.

This can include any of the following:

You Get New Tires:

We recommend an alignment after the installation of new tires. This helps you get the most life from your new tires. Wheel alignment checks are always advised after a significant impact or uneven tire wear is detected.

You Lower or Lift Your Vehicle:

Lifting or lowering a vehicle will affect your toe, camber or caster angles. So will repair or replacement of suspension and steering parts — struts, shocks, ball joints, tie rods, bushings or control arms. If one of these components is damaged, it’s a pretty good bet your vehicle’s alignment is out of spec.

Adjustments or Replacement of Suspension Parts:

This can affect the angle of your tires and wheels.

You’ve Had a Fender-bender or a Hard Impact With a Curb or Road Debris:

This can include potholes and other hazards. Stop by Les Schwab and we’ll do a free visual inspection.

It’s Been a Year Since Your Last One:

An annual alignment can help save you money and add safety to your outings and everyday commute.

You Notice Uneven Tire Wear or Uneven Steering Wheel:

The most common signs of misalignment are pulling to one side while you’re driving, unusual tire wear and/or a steering wheel that’s off-center even though your vehicle is pointed straight. But these symptoms can have other causes, sometimes simpler and sometimes not.

An off-center steering wheel can be caused by worn steering or suspension parts. Just getting an alignment may not fix the root cause.

Irregular tire wear isn’t only limited to suspension parts, fender-benders, or alignment issues, but it’s a good place to start. Stop by Les Schwab for a free pre-trip safety check, which includes a visual inspection of alignment and related steering and suspension components that keep you safe on the road.

Les Schwab Tip: There’s no downside to an alignment check at Les Schwab. If we check your alignment and it doesn’t need any work, you won’t pay a thing.

Steering Pull Can Also Be Caused by Road Conditions

If the asphalt has grooves that are slightly farther apart than your car’s axles, you may feel a pull as the tires on one side ride slightly higher. If the road is noticeably higher in the center, the vehicle may veer as the tires try to find a level surface.

Les Schwab Tip: Vibration while underway is often a symptom of out-of-balance tires, not bad alignment.

What Is Your Technician Looking for During an Alignment Service

When you get your alignment done at Les Schwab, you’ll get our Best Alignment and Suspension Value Promise along with a job done right the first time. You’ll also get the full attention of one of our professional, certified technicians using best-in-class laser technology.

When they’re done, they’ll have your vehicle back in alignment, including the camber, caster, and toe.

Camber Affects Tire Wear

The inward and outward tilt of the tire and wheel assembly (viewed from the front of the vehicle) is called camber. When the top of the tire is leaning inward, it is a negative camber. Positive camber has the top of the tire tilting outward. Each manufacturer sets a specific camber alignment for every vehicle it produces, which might be either positive, negative or zero (0º). When the camber is at the correct angle, the tire and wheel will roll straight.

Generally, camber plays a key role in cornering performance. If the camber is out of the manufacturer’s range, it can cause handling issues and excessive tire wear, which costs you money. If a vehicle has rear-camber adjustments, adjusting the rear camber, in addition to the front, plays a big role in straight-line stability and cornering.

Do I Really Need an Alignment? | Les Schwab (2)
Image: Hunter Engineering Company

Caster Affects Steering and Handling

Ever tried to ride a bicycle without using your hands? The fact you could meant that your bicycle had a positive caster. If the caster had been zero (0º) or negative, riding that way would be nearly impossible. The same can be said for your vehicle.

Modern vehicles run a certain amount of positive caster with the steering axis tilted rearward toward the driver. While caster doesn’t affect tire wear like camber, it does have a big impact on steering and handling.

The higher the caster, the more stability a vehicle will have at higher speeds. Lower caster equals more responsive handling.

Do I Really Need an Alignment? | Les Schwab (3)
Image: Hunter Engineering Company

Toe Is the Most Important Angle for Tire Life

Of all the angles, the toe can fall out of alignment the easiest. A toe that is properly calibrated to manufacturer specifications (which can be either slightly positive or negative) will be at zero (0º) when on the road. This means all of the tire and wheel assemblies (front and rear) are pointing in the same direction.

What does it mean when the toe is out of alignment? It means your tires are wearing out faster than they should and you’re burning more fuel than is necessary. When the toe is at the correct angle, there’s less friction on the tires as they roll. When they are facing away from each other (toe-out) or toward each other (toe-in), they’re essentially scrubbing on the road ever so slightly with every passing mile.

Do I Really Need an Alignment? | Les Schwab (4)
Image: Hunter Engineering Company

Measurements Before and After an Alignment

Do I Really Need an Alignment? | Les Schwab (5)Do I Really Need an Alignment? | Les Schwab (6)

Tips Before Getting Service

Because the measurements are very fine, misalignment is not something you can see by just eyeballing whether the wheels and tire angles look right. But an experienced tire technician will usually know if you’re overdue for an alignment just by looking at your tire wear.

Here’s what to know if the service is recommended:

  • If you have a damaged suspension part, replace it first. Worn or bad parts will put your vehicle right back out of spec.
  • The technician may recommend a thrust alignment or a four-wheel alignment. Here’s a primer to understand what they’re talking about.
  • Before service, let the tech know you’d like a printout showing what your alignment measurements were prior to the work being done and the final settings for your records.

We’ll Check Your Alignment for Free

Regular alignments are part of basic maintenance that help you get full mileage out of your tires. The pros at your local Les Schwab can take a look at your vehicle’s suspension and alignment components and let you know if you need any repairs. If everything is okay, it won’t cost you a thing. But if you do need an alignment, we’ll tell you what it will cost, give you a time estimate, and send you on your way with a Best Alignment and Suspension Value Promise, which includes a 30-day guarantee.

Schedule an Appointment

Do I Really Need an Alignment? | Les Schwab (2024)


Do I Really Need an Alignment? | Les Schwab? ›

Regular alignments should be done twice a year as part of your basic auto maintenance. Why? Because misaligned tire and wheel assemblies will impact your gas mileage, cause tires to wear out faster, and reduce drivability.

How do I know if I really need an alignment? ›

One of the easiest signs to identify is when your car pulls to a particular side when driving. It's normal for slight pulling to the left or right, however if you find you have to constantly steer to keep straight – you've likely got an alignment problem.

What happens if you ignore alignment? ›

Continuing to drive a vehicle with bad alignment will: Wear out your tires faster and even permanently damage them. Increase friction on your tires, making them less fuel efficient. Make steering difficult to control and may put you at risk of an accident.

Is it a must to get a wheel alignment? ›

Wheel alignment is a critical aspect of vehicle maintenance that should not be overlooked. Proper wheel alignment can improve safety, extend tire life, improve fuel efficiency, enhance handling and performance, reduce stress on suspension components, enhance comfort, and prevent damage to other vehicle components.

What happens if you go without an alignment? ›

Driving with poor wheel alignment is not recommended. Not only is it uncomfortable, but it can lead to significant issues that become costly over time. Poor car alignment causes suspension stress, steering difficulty, compromised handling and braking, increased fuel consumption, and premature tire wear.

How much does it cost to get in alignment? ›

A front-end alignment (or two wheel alignment), which involves only the front two wheels, typically costs anywhere from $50 to $75. While a four wheel alignment costs more, usually $100 to $168.

How bad is it to not get an alignment? ›

Without a wheel alignment, your tyres will develop uneven tyre wear, your suspension quality will diminish and you'll likely experience steering problems. All of these dangers add more risk to you and those around you on the roads.

How long will tires last with bad alignment? ›

The wear on your tires caused by alignment issues depends on the severity of the problem. Over time, even a minor issue can take thousands of miles off a tire's life, but a major misalignment, especially in the toe angle, can chew through your tire tread depth in just a few hundred miles if you don't get it fixed.

How long can you go without a wheel alignment? ›

The interval for wheel alignment can vary significantly depending on the type of vehicle you own, your driving habits, and other factors. Most mechanics recommend that you get a wheel alignment once every two or three years. However, the best thing to do is to follow the recommended interval in your owner's manual.

How urgent is wheel alignment? ›

If you notice excessive wear, you may need an alignment adjustment or have too much junk in your trunk. Poor alignment can shorten your tires' lifespan by thousands of miles. Enjoy better fuel economy and longer-lasting tires by having your alignment checked at least at the first sign of uneven or premature tire wear.

Why is wheel alignment so expensive? ›

While performing the alignment, the mechanic may find more work—like tire balancing or car suspension repairs—is needed. Local labor costs and rates can also vary by city, state, provider, and technician.

Should I get new tires or an alignment first? ›

It doesn't matter whether you get your alignment before or after having your new tires put on. Most experts agree that the only effect worn tires have on your alignment is a change to the vehicle's ride height which, given today's steering and suspension design, should be negligible.

Is wheel alignment worth it? ›

Yes. When your wheels are out of alignment, they are often pulling against each other or being partly dragged along the road surface. This can have several consequences for the car's handling and feel, including a steering wheel that vibrates or the whole car shaking as it goes down the motorway.

Does alignment really matter? ›

It's important that wheels and tires are aligned. If they aren't, you could be damaging your tires and affecting the vehicle's handling characteristics. If the suspension is out of alignment, there is uneven pressure on the tires that can cause your car to work harder on the tires than it needs to.

What happens if you wait too long for an alignment? ›

The more misaligned the wheels get, the less reliable your steering will become. This can be a dangerous issue for those who are trying to drive on cramped city streets or in inclement weather.

Is it mandatory to do wheel alignment? ›

Why is Wheel Alignment Important? Maintaining proper wheel alignment is essential to avoid unnecessary wear on your tyres, steering, suspension and brakes. Accurate wheel alignment optimises driving stability, maximises tyre life and improves your vehicle's overall handling performance.

What is the symptom of poor alignment? ›

Symptoms of Bad Wheel Alignment

Steering wheel is off center. Car pulling to one side. Uneven or premature tread wear on tires. Steering wheel rests at an angle.

How do I know if I am out of alignment? ›

One quick way to check if your body is in good alignment is by the way you walk. Simply walk around your home and take a look at how your feet are positioned. Ideally, your foot's line of progression should form an angle of 4-7 degrees with a line from the center of your heel to your second toe.

How do I check my alignment myself? ›

Jack up one of the front tires, secure the vehicle on jack stands, then spray-paint a stripe on the tread while spinning the tire. Try to keep your hand as steady as possible so your line can be even on both tires. Measure from line to line with the tape level with the floor.

What does it feel like when your alignment is off? ›

It may drift a little if the road is curved downwards to the left or right for drainage purposes, but your steering wheel should stay mostly straight. If you let go of your steering wheel while you are driving and it pulls harshly to the left or the right, that is a strong sign that your vehicle is out of alignment.


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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.